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Faculty Senate Minutes 2015-11-02

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document
November 2, 2015
As approved December 7, 2015
Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. with 166 voting members present (111 needed for quorum).
1. Memorial Resolutions were offered for:
Professor Emeritus Richard “Doc” Greiner (Fac Doc 2575)
Professor Emeritus Robert Huntington (Fac Doc 2576)
Professor Emeritus Howard Karp (Fac Doc 2577)
Professor Emeritus Allan K. Scidmore (Fac Doc 2578)
Professor Emeritus Steven Winspur (Fac Doc 2579)
Professor Emeritus Robert Clodius (Fac Doc 2574)
2. Announcements/Information Items.
Chancellor Blank called attention to the PROFS legislative update distributed at the door.
Chancellor Blank provided an update on the launch of the comprehensive fundraising campaign, the success of its silent phase, and context on what the campaign means for the university. The chancellor reported and explained the Board of Regents’ passage of a four-year waiver of the cap on non-resident students, combined with a reinforcement of the campus commitment to in-state students. Chancellor Blank reported on the improvement of retention and graduation rates and provided updates on WARF’s lawsuit against Apple, recent state legislative activity, Exact Sciences’ expansion at the research park, and interactions with UW System on tenure policy.
3. Question Period.
There were questions on tenure policy and voter IDs for students.
4. The minutes of the October 5, 2015, meeting were approved as distributed.
5. Professor Beth Meyerand (chair, University Committee) moved to confirm the appointment of Professor David Vanness (Population Health Sciences) to serve on the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities for spring semester 2016, replacing Professor Susan Lederer who will be on sabbatical.
The motion passed without negative vote.
6. Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf presented the annual report of the University Academic
Planning Council for 2014-2015 (Fac Doc 2580).
There was one question on enforcement of prerequisites.
7. Professor Dorothy Farrar-Edwards (chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Tenure and Termination) moved approval of Faculty document 2569a on layoff and termination with the addition of the word “salary” after “six months” in section i and after “one year” in section ii. 
Professor Karma Chávez (Communication Arts) moved to amend section 10.01.A. to add “a department-like body” between “department” and “or similar administrative unit” and to remove “that offers majors and.” The motion to amend was seconded and, after some discussion, passed by voice vote. 
Professor Chávez moved to amend section 10.05.C. to make it consistent with 10.02.A. by changing the second sentence to: “If placement in another position would be facilitated by a reasonable period of training, such retraining and relocation will be provided and the institution will bear the cost.” The motion to amend was seconded and passed by voice vote.
Professor Chávez moved to amend section 10.03.E. to add “elected” between “appropriate” and “faculty body” so that the line reads “an appropriate elected faculty body.” The motion to amend was seconded and, after clarification that selection by an elected body is equivalent to election, passed by voice vote.
Professor Bill Tracy (Agronomy) moved to amend section 5.02.C. to the following.
No proposal to discontinue or restructure an academic program, regardless of its
origin or rationale, shall move forward without an affirmative vote of each of the
following bodies in this order:
1. The faculty of the affected department(s).
2. The school/college governance body, usually the academic planning council (APC).
3. For undergraduate programs, the University Academic Planning Council (UAPC).
4. For graduate programs,
a. the Graduate Faculty Executive Committee (GFEC) and
b. the UAPC.
The motion to amend was seconded and, after some discussion, passed by voice vote.
The motion to approve Faculty Document 2569a as amended passed by unanimous voice vote.
13. Professor Chad Goldberg (Sociology) moved to suspend the order of the day to take up agenda item 13. The motion was seconded and passed by voice vote.
Professor Goldberg moved to substitute the motion which was postponed at the October meeting with Faculty Document 2586 The motion to substitute was seconded and passed by voice vote.
Professor Goldberg moved to approve Faculty Document 2586, a resolution on the AFT-Wisconsin Higher Education Council Statement on Tenure and Indefinite Status. The motion was seconded and, after several comments, passed by voice vote.
8. Professor Meyerand moved adoption of a faculty resolution on concealed carry (Fac Doc 2581). Following animated discussion, the motion to adopt passed by voice vote.
9. Professor Meyerand moved adoption of a faculty resolution on fetal tissue research (Fac Doc 2582) with the substitution of “cell strains/lines” for each instance of “cell lines.” The motion to adopt passed by voice vote.
10. Professor Caroline Levine (chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Post-Tenure Review) introduced Faculty Policies and Procedures (FPP) Chapter 7 proposal for discussion, providing context, explaining process, and summarizing input to date (Fac Doc 2583).
There were multiple comments and extensive discussion, which will be incorporated, along with listening session input, into draft for second reading and vote at December meeting.
11. Professor Meyerand moved adoption of changes to the membership of the University Curriculum Committee (Fac Doc 2584) with the substitution of “academic staff nominating body” for “Academic Staff Nominating Committee.” After brief discussion, the motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
12. Professor Amy Wendt (Electrical & Computer Engineering) moved endorsement of a statement of support for the faculty senate at the University of Iowa (Fac Doc 2585). The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven K. Smith
Secretary of the Faculty

faculty policies and procedures resolution on concealed carry 
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Owned by:
Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty