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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2015-10-19

University Committee Meeting Minutes

approved October 26, 2015
October 19, 2015

UC members present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
Others present: S. Smith, Moscicke, Richard, Vanness, Felber, McFadden, Bump, Bernard-Donals

1. Meeting called to order: 1:02 PM.
2. Minutes of the meeting of October 12, 2015, approved.
3. Legislative update (PROFS): 
O’Meara updated UC on concealed carry and PROFS statement, fetal tissue legislation, tenure task force conversations, and joint finance motion to gain approval over health plan changes (which the governor vetoed once before). Discussion. 
4. Discussion: Shared governance statement
a. Meyerand provided background on shared governance statement. Chairs feel it is important to have statement that (1) is displayed prominently and (2) runs through governance groups. Goal is to have statement that is forceful and meaningful, but also general enough so that groups are not endlessly debating minor points.
b. Latest draft shared with UC, who should review and bring comments to next meeting. Some discussion.
5. Discussion: CIC/Iowa statement
a. Edwards moved UC endorsement of the statement. Seconded. Unanimously passed.
b. Wendt will notify Iowa that they may put UC Chair’s name on document.
c. Document will also be placed on November senate agenda for vote.
6. Broman moved to table discussion of UW System strategic planning request to later in the meeting. Seconded. Unanimous.
7. Discussion: Concealed carry statement
Ample discussion, reflecting widespread concerns on campus. Strong endorsement of PROFS statement and consensus that a coordinated, public shared governance response is needed. What do we want to do? Meyerand will take issue back to chairs group, suggesting joint letter from four groups and exploring what actions could be taken and by whom.
8. Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick)
a. Mailick updated the UC on UW 2020. Details available on VCRGE website. About 150 abstracts received. Discussion. 
b. Mailick updated UC on PI Portal, which has about 600 active faculty users and is already a demonstrated success, and the recruitment and retention portal, which is also active, although among a more restricted group of users (designees). Chancellor wants all retentions logged in portal, regardless of action. Also on retention, UW congratulated by board of visitors on successful retentions in political science and WARF granted permission to pre-spend some retention funds.
c. Mailick updated the UC on Center review process, drafted last year. Cycle of regular reviews of all 17 centers will start this year with arboretum, aquatic science, and WID. Ample discussion.
d. Edwards inquired about core resources report. Mailick answered that VCRGE and HR are working on hiring of director and best way to make public the 70-page report, which is a great and useful report, but too complex to release as is. Discussion, particularly of potential overlap between core resources report and other funding requests (e.g., UW 2020) and need to identify director with both procedural knowledge and interpersonal capabilities. 
9. Discussion of UW System information request. UC made several suggestions, which SOF will format into response back to chancellor’s office, which is gathering all shared governance input.
10. Rec Sports update (John Horn, Doug Reindl)
a. Much animated discussion about SERF demolition and overflow plans. Kickoff of project is October 26, tear down after commencement.
b. Horn updated the UC on the Rec Sports Board’s activities over the past year, which has been active (new strategic plan as every year, engagement and diversity, student leadership, marketing and communications plan for student engagement, ten-year vision with milestones, wellness initiative, change in Board configuration, etc.). Have begun phase 1 of master plan (near west playfield and SERF). Uses (1.7M) slightly down, but strong given flooding. Much discussion.
c. Concerns: budget and zeroing out of capital/maintenance on top of cut; program revenue piece of Nielsen project set, but where other half will come from now open question; Nat roof; student wages; space. 
11. Provost Mangelsdorf unable to attend meeting. 
12. Revisions to layoff and termination proposal (Chapter 10). Ample discussion, captured in revised document.
13. Meeting adjourned: 3:49 PM.

KeywordsUniversity Committee october   Doc ID59902
OwnerSara K.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2016-01-20 12:52:16Updated2020-03-23 16:57:18
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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