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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-06-23

approved June 30, 2014
June 23, 2014
Present: Fair, Meyerand, Petty, Wendt
Absent: Broman, Farrar-Edwards
Also present: J. Richard (minutes)

1. Meeting called to order in Open Session: 12:59PM
a. Minutes of the meeting University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-06-02 were approved
b. Updates and Announcements
i. University Committee meeting on June 30, 2014 will include an update with Provost D. Bazzell on 150 Funds 
ii. University Committee meeting on June 30, 2014 will include an update with Interim Vice Chancellor for Research, Marsha Mailick. 
c. UW Faculty Senate District 85: requested to split between Human Oncology (District 85) and Biostatistics and Medical Informatics (new District 20). Petty move to accept, Meyerand 2nd: all in favor, proposal passes.
2. Petty moved and Meyerand 2nd to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Motion passes: 1:30PM
The meeting reconvened in Open Session: 2:00PM
3. Provost Update: Paul DeLuca
a. Provost asked UC for reaction to new travel policy document; wanted feedback on how to spread word of new policy and to encourage participation; will send email message to deans and departments heads notifying them about policy and new travel website.
b. Transition is underway for Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff (Michael Bernard-Donals) and Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (Steve Cramer), overlapping with out-going vice provosts Stern and Olsen for some of July.
c. DeLuca encouraged support of the very successful Faculty Diversity Hiring Program.
d. DeLuca continues to explore how to balance the makeup of the student body, e.g. new freshmen and transfer students. 
4. Chancellor Update: Rebecca Blank
a. Personnel:
i. Ben Miller: permanent director of federal relations 
ii. John Lucas: head of communications
iii. Steven K. Smith: permanent Secretary of the Faculty
iv. Urged UC to have nominations for Vice Chancellor for Research search committee by August so that a search committee can be finalized by September; Blank hopes to have someone in place by January and undertake a search for the new Dean of the Graduate School.
b. Ray Taffora and Lori Berquam are reviewing all regulatory activities with the expectation that there will be a new position, Vice Provost for Compliance, to provide oversight of metrics and schedules for all departmental/college compliance programs. 
i. VP will work with UC and ASEC to develop a clearer, consistent appeals process for faculty and staff.
ii. Search for this full-time position to be done later this year. 
c. State budget cut impact: if no new more money will be coming from the state and if no tuition increase, the chancellor will ask colleges/schools/departments to model the impact of 2, 4, and 6 percent cuts (targeted and across the board) 
5. Critical Compensation Fund, with 5 years of data on promotion and retention tools: Steve Stern (and Steve Lund and Bob Lavigna) 
1. Pay tools porfolio 2013-2014: A brief guide to optimize impact (26 Nov 2013)
2. Preliminary report on faculty pay-merit initiatives after five years, July 2014 (A more complete 5-year report by Academic Planning and Institutional Research will be available later 2014)
3. Critical Compensation Fund 2013-14: summary of results (23 June 2014)
6. Educational Innovation Update, Strategic Plan for Life Long Learning: Jeff Russell and Linda Jorn (and Mark Johnson, with Director of EI)
2 handouts:
2. Massive Open Online Course Pilot [Phase 1 report
The group will meet with the provost next week and issue a press release the week following;  it is ready to move to Phase 2, which has themes of sustainability and challenges in public discourse, and will include some in-person contact points (e.g. libraries, American Players Theater).
The UC likes the report and is looking forward to Phase 2.
The EI Advisory Committee needs the UC to appoint two replacements on the advisory committee sometime after August 1 when the new provost arrives. 
7. Meyerand moved and Petty 2nd to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss personnel matters: 4:04PM
8. Petty moved to adjourn, Wendt 2nd : 4:31

Respectfully submitted,
Jane Richard
Deputy Secretary of the Faculty

KeywordsUniversity Committee   Doc ID60634
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2016-02-10 13:48:16Updated2023-07-17 14:22:06
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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