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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2016-02-29

Minutes approved 3/14/2016
Minutes for February 29, 2016

UC members present: Broman, Edwards (chair), Litovsky, Wanner, Wendt
UC member absent: Meyerand
Also present: S. Smith, Felber, O’Meara, J. Smith, McFadden, Daniels, Richard, Knutson

Chair Dorothy Edwards called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. and provided an update on UW2020. Wendt asked for input on her participation at the upcoming governance meeting in Michigan. All agreed that a panel on due process provided the best opportunity to discuss recent state statute and regents developments. Felber reported that the PROFS forum on self-insurance was great, including significant retiree presence and fruitful collaboration with ETF. A video of the event will be posted on the PROFS website. O’Meara added that there was also good political representation and that the discussion was overall quite productive, apolitical, and factual. He also added that college affordability bills continue to be discussed and there will soon be a hearing on new regent appointees.

Associate Vice Chancellor Kim Moreland and Associate Director Bob Andresen (Research and Sponsored Programs) discussed effort reporting. Timeliness is crucial in this aggressive audit climate, as is enforcement. A significant backlog of “stale” effort cards was cleared after the email outlining consequences was sent. Ample and detailed discussion. UC recognizes seriousness of issue, appreciates RSP efforts, and suggested ways to improve communication with faculty. Moreland and Andresen indicated that feedback on “pain points” is helpful.

Children in the Workplace task force members Michael Kissick and Lindsey Stoddard Cameron discussed the HR policy to be presented at Faculty Senate. Kissick indicated that policy is being well received across campus. Ample discussion. 

Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf and the UC discussed the UW System faculty representatives’ statement and next steps for the tenure policies. Ample discussion, which branched out into surveys and engagement/climate/morale and how to follow up on various actions and recommendations. The provost pointed out that a group needs to be tasked with following up on the AAU Sexual Assault survey in terms of reviewing programing needs and eventually conducting a follow-up survey to gauge improvement.

Chancellor Rebecca Blank pointed to upcoming UWF/WAA meetings in California. She also indicated UW System will ask campuses to look at and update their workload policies, which will need to come through the UC. Blank indicated a VCUR announcement was imminent. Ample discussion about tenure policies. Campus policy on tenure and termination will go to Education Committee and full Board in April. Post-tenure review policy may need revision by Senate, pending what the Board approves in March for its own policies. Ample discussion. The chancellor concluded her time with the UC discussing the diversity forum, which she said led to lively conversations and promises to deliver useful ways of engaging. Litovsky asked how to build faculty buy-in; Blank responded there are several pieces: diversity hiring, cultural day-to-day issues, and where and how training can help. Discussion, including connections between diversity and other issues (sexual assault, drinking, retention, etc.) Where to start and how to target very important in place this size, as is measuring progress in a way that meets everyone’s expectations, including students. 

Minutes of the meetings of February 15, 2016, and February 22, 2016, approved. The UC reviewed the March 7 Faculty Senate agenda and related documents. Decision to add more action-oriented concluding sentence to shared governance statement. Ample discussion around all documents, particularly University Research Council. Meeting adjourned at 3:26 p.m.

University committee 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty