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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2017-01-23

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 1/30/2017
January 23, 2017

UC members present: Amasino, Bowers, Broman, Litovsky, Wanner, Wendt (chair)
Others present: S. Smith, J. Smith, J. Richard, M. Felber, J. O’Meara, J. Greenberg, N. Bertelsen, M. Mayrl

Chair Amy Wendt called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of January 17, 2017, were approved. Due to the PROFS Board of Directors meeting immediately prior to this meeting, the legislative update was replaced with a discussion about possible tuition cuts, legislative relations, recruiting students, and self-insurance.
Athletic Board chair Laurel Rice thanked the UC for their support and reported that things are going well. Big strides being made on both academic and athletic resources. Concussion summary statement will be major topic at Big10 meetings; changes needed particularly on pre-season practice schedules. Rice will bring data on this to next UC appearance; football is major concern, but far from only one. Discussion ensued on a variety of topics including Board diversity, support for athletes, nutrition report, and Shell and other facilities.
Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education brought Associate Vice Chancellor Jan Greenberg along to discuss developments on the IRB survey. Survey developed over summer, sent end of August to about 1200 people, and closed in mid-September. Excellent response rate of around 40-50%. Lots of rich data (quantitative and qualitative); about 500 codes on qualitative results, grouped into general themes. Draft report, about 90% complete, will discuss quantitative data using qualitative data as illustration and will enumerate suggestions for change (along with positive feedback) as well as OVCRGE thinking on next steps. Discussion about confidentiality, use of either non-attributable quotes or requesting permission. Some differences in feedback on two IRBs, but shockingly similar. Ample discussion. Litovsky and Bowers volunteered to work with OVCRGE on final steps of report. Will bring to full UC when complete to discuss next steps. This is first mechanism of this sort on campus; some pent up demand reflected in survey; UC endorses consideration of implementing a short, real-time feedback tool for all users.

Secretary of the Faculty Steve Smith reviewed the February Faculty Senate agenda as it currently stands. UC approves (by consensus) moving FPP changes (mostly housekeeping matters) forward to Senate for approval. Wanner moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 2:10 p.m. The UC unanimously approved a temporary assignment request. The UC discussed an ongoing grievance, including possible next steps, and decided to invite the relevant dean for a discussion prior to reviewing options with the provost. Although the UC feels it has sufficient information to issue a finding on much of the case, these discussions will assist with the remaining questions. The UC also discussed a new grievance, and determined additional information needs prior to moving forward. Wanner moved to reconvene in open session. The motion was seconded and passed at 2:43 p.m.

Chancellor Rebecca Blank provided updates on legislative visits (lots), New York donor meetings and Big 10 events (Friday), Ingraham career center opening (Monday), Madison-hosted BoR meetings (February 2-3). On the career center, Blank stressed that this is a long overdue development of a career center for all students and is part of ongoing work to coordinate career services across schools and colleges. Much more work remains to be done to bring campus up to where it should be on career services. Blank encourages UC to meet with new HR director once he gets settled, in particular to discuss 9- vs 12-month salary payment, but also summer expansion and other items. Brief recap and discussion of PTR. Longer discussions about tuition and need-based aid and admissions, particularly of high-performing high school students. Blank suggested the UC discuss the latter topic in particular with the Director of Admissions and the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management. Ample discussion throughout.

Senior University Legal Counsel Rachel Jeris discussed revised UWS/BOR policies on sexual harassment, consensual relations, and other personnel issues and their impact on current campus policies. The new System consensual relations policy appears to be the policy that has to be implemented, while the revisions to the sexual harassment policy provide requirements that must be included and an optional template, leaving some leeway for campuses as long as their policies meet UWS requirements. There are elements where Madison is out of compliance, but there is no specific deadline for revisions. In addition, revisions to UWS 4 and UWS 7 contain procedural changes that may be needed to campus policies. (Campus procedures for discipline and dismissal attach to employment category.) Substantial discussion about options. Consensus that overriding concern is how easy/clear it is for students to understand our policies in order to know the processes to follow. Jeris will compare campus policies to UWS policies and return with areas where change is needed identified. At that point, UC will determine appropriate ways to vet revisions.

Wendt adjourned the meeting at 3:50 p.m.

University committee 
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Sara K. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty