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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2017-07-31
University Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes approved 08/14/2017Approved minutes for July 31, 2017 Approved with amendments August 14, 2017
UC members present: Bowers, Litovsky (arrived 1:04 p.m.), Ventura, Wanner (chair), Warfield
UC member absent: Amasino
Others present: S. Smith, J. O’Meara, J. Smith, J. Richard, D. Schutt, T. Wood
Chair Anja Wanner called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., encouraged UC members to complete the new campus sexual harassment and sexual violence training, and reported that the Athletic Board chair and co-FAR appointments have been finalized. Secretary Steve Smith reminded committee members that APC documents are added to the Box file as they are received for UC review. The minutes of the meeting of July 10, 2017, were approved as amended.
Jack O’Meara reported on the WISCAPE/PROFS budget panel, which was well attended and well received. Foxconn is dominating discussions at the Capitol, pushing back budget negotiations, which will now not be finalized until September at the earliest. PROFS continues to work with Prof. Hillman on PBF and has made some suggestions for changes, including pushing implementation back from current February 2018 date. Ample discussion about budgetary decisions (Foxconn $3B but no extra funding for university), Medicaid (strong state system that gets no federal support), university decision-making independence (trend continues to be state limitations), tuition freeze implications, and letter on chancellor qualifications and Thompson center.
The UC considered potential topics for the coming year, what should be prioritized, and which issues governance should be more proactive on. Discussion included free speech, global climate and Paris Accords, qualifications for University leadership, titling and compensation, community relations, campus climate and inclusivity, sexual assault, and more. Ample discussion ensued, including on ways UC can take various levels of action (ad hoc committees, meetings with certain individuals, policy creation and modification including the possibility of getting policies in place before issues become urgent, etc.). Special note was made of need to increase interactions with student leadership. Smith has extended invitation to ASM leadership to meet regularly with UC.
The UC reviewed a draft charge for an ad hoc committee on instructional titles. Following discussion, the UC made some minor changes to the charge and agreed with the proposed membership. Strong consensus that the committee will need to work expeditiously in order to provide timely input to the broader TTC study.
Performance Management Program Coordinator Shelly Vils Havel, accompanied by Director of Talent Recruitment and Engagement Tyler Wood and Office of Talent Management Director Don Schutt presented information on the Performance Management and Development Program. Program requirements (outlined in the distributed slides) allow divisions flexibility to adapt performance management to meet needs. OHR teamed with OVCRGE to develop an online reporting and tracking system that is scalable, flexible, and consistent with policy, which will be implemented by L&S next week, followed by other divisions. Tailored training will be available. Ample discussion throughout.
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf and SMPH Dean Robert Golden presented information on faculty tracks and workload. Golden provided background on SMPH policies and tracks (two academic – tenure and CHS – and one purely clinical – CT). Historic confusion even within SMPH about how to use tracks, especially CHS. Some years ago, SMPH created 3-year window when track changes are easier, recognizing time required to build up clinical practice and adjust research program. Concerns that system could still be gamed to get extra time on tenure side. Transfers after 3-years intended to be rare and only for two reasons: clear sudden pivot or error on hire. With 3-year window, review is de minimis; considerable scrutiny after that. However, it has become clear that there is a “pent-up bolus” of people switching after 3 years, due to leadership mistakes primarily. SMPH has new policy to address this: during each year of first 3 years, mentoring committee and assistant professor must co-sign statement that faculty member is on right track (for both CHS and tenure); at end of each year, chair is accountable for sending one report to dean’s office documenting that all assistant professors in first 3 years have been reviewed by mentoring committees and are in proper track. Still should be exception for rare case of someone changing focus, but after the current “bolus,” numbers should drop dramatically. (Golden will provide OSOF with estimate of how many people and timeframe this “bolus” represents.) Relatedly, SMPH has clarified that CHS track faculty are eligible to apply for open tenure track positions, which should help reduce transfers as well. Considerable discussion, including parallels with other health sciences divisions, other kinds of transfers, differences in interpretation across SMPH departments, protection of research time, mentoring, and balance of academics and health care (an issue that permeated the entire discussion).
Mangelsdorf followed up on ad hoc instructional committee charge (see above) and discussed campus civility with the UC. Considerable discussion about how best to help students avoid uncivil or inappropriate interactions, along the lines of the last ASM meeting of last year. All agreed that students are a vital part of shared governance and bound by the same rights and responsibilities as other groups. This relates to civility and climate issues raised earlier during discussion of priorities for the year, and it affects not only governance and campus image, but also donors. Expectations of conduct and responsibilities of all shared governance groups should be made explicit. Mangelsdorf also pointed to Campus Compact and civic engagement efforts. UC will look into codes of conduct requirements.
Office of Compliance Director Cathy Trueba discussed possible benefits of shared governance and other committees working with her office. Smith summarized discussions over past year or so about rationalizing structure of committees related to access and accommodation. Agreement that existing committees could be rethought along with ADA working group and other campus units into new advisory committee. Consensus that bigger umbrella would make more sense than several smaller groups. Desire to preserve positive functionality of existing committees and work groups, and address missing elements (technology, for example). Suggestion made to start committees with experienced members, include balance of ex officio and SG members. Smith will provide information to Trueba to develop proposal, along with pros and cons. Discussion also included Title IX advisory functions, complaint investigations, and other aspects of OOC, as well as overlap with other offices, particularly with regard to training. Agreement that SG committee may not be needed or appropriate for all areas of OOC.
Warfield moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 3:17 p.m. The UC nominated faculty members for the UHS Director search and screen, a de novo review (CFRR) committee, the ad hoc committee on instructional titles, the UBS Board of Trustees, and the Labor Codes Licensing Advisory Council (LCLAC). The UC deferred nominating a sabbatical replacement on the Committee on Committees and divisional-based membership for an ad hoc committee on 7th-year reviews to its next meeting. Smith will provide a list of qualified faculty members for these positions. The University Committee unanimously approved three one-year tenure clock extensions. The closed portion of the meeting concluded with the discussion of an ongoing grievance. Ventura moved to reconvene in open session. The motion was seconded and passed at 4:26 p.m. Wanner adjourned the meeting.
UC members present: Bowers, Litovsky (arrived 1:04 p.m.), Ventura, Wanner (chair), Warfield
UC member absent: Amasino
Others present: S. Smith, J. O’Meara, J. Smith, J. Richard, D. Schutt, T. Wood
Chair Anja Wanner called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., encouraged UC members to complete the new campus sexual harassment and sexual violence training, and reported that the Athletic Board chair and co-FAR appointments have been finalized. Secretary Steve Smith reminded committee members that APC documents are added to the Box file as they are received for UC review. The minutes of the meeting of July 10, 2017, were approved as amended.
Jack O’Meara reported on the WISCAPE/PROFS budget panel, which was well attended and well received. Foxconn is dominating discussions at the Capitol, pushing back budget negotiations, which will now not be finalized until September at the earliest. PROFS continues to work with Prof. Hillman on PBF and has made some suggestions for changes, including pushing implementation back from current February 2018 date. Ample discussion about budgetary decisions (Foxconn $3B but no extra funding for university), Medicaid (strong state system that gets no federal support), university decision-making independence (trend continues to be state limitations), tuition freeze implications, and letter on chancellor qualifications and Thompson center.
The UC considered potential topics for the coming year, what should be prioritized, and which issues governance should be more proactive on. Discussion included free speech, global climate and Paris Accords, qualifications for University leadership, titling and compensation, community relations, campus climate and inclusivity, sexual assault, and more. Ample discussion ensued, including on ways UC can take various levels of action (ad hoc committees, meetings with certain individuals, policy creation and modification including the possibility of getting policies in place before issues become urgent, etc.). Special note was made of need to increase interactions with student leadership. Smith has extended invitation to ASM leadership to meet regularly with UC.
The UC reviewed a draft charge for an ad hoc committee on instructional titles. Following discussion, the UC made some minor changes to the charge and agreed with the proposed membership. Strong consensus that the committee will need to work expeditiously in order to provide timely input to the broader TTC study.
Performance Management Program Coordinator Shelly Vils Havel, accompanied by Director of Talent Recruitment and Engagement Tyler Wood and Office of Talent Management Director Don Schutt presented information on the Performance Management and Development Program. Program requirements (outlined in the distributed slides) allow divisions flexibility to adapt performance management to meet needs. OHR teamed with OVCRGE to develop an online reporting and tracking system that is scalable, flexible, and consistent with policy, which will be implemented by L&S next week, followed by other divisions. Tailored training will be available. Ample discussion throughout.
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf and SMPH Dean Robert Golden presented information on faculty tracks and workload. Golden provided background on SMPH policies and tracks (two academic – tenure and CHS – and one purely clinical – CT). Historic confusion even within SMPH about how to use tracks, especially CHS. Some years ago, SMPH created 3-year window when track changes are easier, recognizing time required to build up clinical practice and adjust research program. Concerns that system could still be gamed to get extra time on tenure side. Transfers after 3-years intended to be rare and only for two reasons: clear sudden pivot or error on hire. With 3-year window, review is de minimis; considerable scrutiny after that. However, it has become clear that there is a “pent-up bolus” of people switching after 3 years, due to leadership mistakes primarily. SMPH has new policy to address this: during each year of first 3 years, mentoring committee and assistant professor must co-sign statement that faculty member is on right track (for both CHS and tenure); at end of each year, chair is accountable for sending one report to dean’s office documenting that all assistant professors in first 3 years have been reviewed by mentoring committees and are in proper track. Still should be exception for rare case of someone changing focus, but after the current “bolus,” numbers should drop dramatically. (Golden will provide OSOF with estimate of how many people and timeframe this “bolus” represents.) Relatedly, SMPH has clarified that CHS track faculty are eligible to apply for open tenure track positions, which should help reduce transfers as well. Considerable discussion, including parallels with other health sciences divisions, other kinds of transfers, differences in interpretation across SMPH departments, protection of research time, mentoring, and balance of academics and health care (an issue that permeated the entire discussion).
Mangelsdorf followed up on ad hoc instructional committee charge (see above) and discussed campus civility with the UC. Considerable discussion about how best to help students avoid uncivil or inappropriate interactions, along the lines of the last ASM meeting of last year. All agreed that students are a vital part of shared governance and bound by the same rights and responsibilities as other groups. This relates to civility and climate issues raised earlier during discussion of priorities for the year, and it affects not only governance and campus image, but also donors. Expectations of conduct and responsibilities of all shared governance groups should be made explicit. Mangelsdorf also pointed to Campus Compact and civic engagement efforts. UC will look into codes of conduct requirements.
Office of Compliance Director Cathy Trueba discussed possible benefits of shared governance and other committees working with her office. Smith summarized discussions over past year or so about rationalizing structure of committees related to access and accommodation. Agreement that existing committees could be rethought along with ADA working group and other campus units into new advisory committee. Consensus that bigger umbrella would make more sense than several smaller groups. Desire to preserve positive functionality of existing committees and work groups, and address missing elements (technology, for example). Suggestion made to start committees with experienced members, include balance of ex officio and SG members. Smith will provide information to Trueba to develop proposal, along with pros and cons. Discussion also included Title IX advisory functions, complaint investigations, and other aspects of OOC, as well as overlap with other offices, particularly with regard to training. Agreement that SG committee may not be needed or appropriate for all areas of OOC.
Warfield moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 3:17 p.m. The UC nominated faculty members for the UHS Director search and screen, a de novo review (CFRR) committee, the ad hoc committee on instructional titles, the UBS Board of Trustees, and the Labor Codes Licensing Advisory Council (LCLAC). The UC deferred nominating a sabbatical replacement on the Committee on Committees and divisional-based membership for an ad hoc committee on 7th-year reviews to its next meeting. Smith will provide a list of qualified faculty members for these positions. The University Committee unanimously approved three one-year tenure clock extensions. The closed portion of the meeting concluded with the discussion of an ongoing grievance. Ventura moved to reconvene in open session. The motion was seconded and passed at 4:26 p.m. Wanner adjourned the meeting.