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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2017-08-28
University Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes approved 09/18/2017Approved minutes for August 28, 2017 Approved on September 18, 2017
UC members present: Amasino, Bowers, Ventura, Wanner (chair), Warfield
UC member absent: Litovsky
Others present: S. Smith, M. Felber, J. OMeara, H. Daniels, J. Smith, J. Richard, G. Bump, S. Hahn
Chair Anja Wanner called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and reminded everyone about the New Faculty Welcome Picnic at Olin House. Secretary Steve Smith called attention to the charge letter for the University International Travel Committee, copied to the UC for informational purposes. The minutes of the meeting of August 14, 2017 (University Committee Meeting Minutes 2017-08-14 ), were approved with amendments.
Jack OMeara reported on JFC activity and also on a meeting with Regent Petersen who is chairing the BOR working group on chancellor qualifications. Petersen did not agree to add a Madison faculty member to the working group, but was amenable to the input of a Madison advisory group. The UWS working group is hoping to issue a report by the end of October. Petersen also indicated that they hope to demonstrate to the legislature that they are proactive on this topic, perhaps obviating the need for related legislation. Discussion about freedom of speech, Charlottesville ramifications, and new faculty welcome.
Campus Diversity and Climate Committee (CDCC) faculty co-chair Linda Oakley discussed potential changes to the functions of this committee, outlined in a memo to the UC. Oakley has been involved with campus diversity and inclusion efforts for some time and thus the discussion on CDCC changes was informed by a lot of different lenses. Oakley reported that the CDCC has evolved over time and is now as close to a typical Chapter 6 committee as it has ever been. In the abovementioned memo, the committee recommends reducing CDCC functions from 12 to 7 (removing those that are duplicative, confusing, outdated, and/or exceed CDCC resources) and creating four sub-committees (Academic Success, Policy Recommendations, Chancellor-Provost Meetings, and Diversity Forum) to facilitate CDCC performance of one or more CDCC functions. Ample discussion followed. The Academic Success subcommittee is the resuscitation of an earlier focus (see handout) to further and facilitate the CDCCs role as a horizon and priority committee. Oakley will work on revising recommendations, including explicit connections between functions and subcommittees and some language on the committees understanding of its overarching mission; SOF and UC will draft up new language, working with Oakley and rest of CDCC.
Senior University Legal Counsel Rachel Jeris discussed modifications to the campus consensual relationships policy as well as FPP changes on the burden of proof and complainant protections. Jeris provided background on federal policy changes on sexual harassment and violence and UWS reactions, culminating in a set of recommendations in 2015, which included: a new System consensual relationships policy, which is to be adopted as is, and a sexual harassment and violence policy, which gives campuses more latitude to adapt. The latter effort is being led by the Office of Compliance. On the former, Jeris provided a memo outlining the differences between existing campus policy (faculty legislation II-307) and the new System policy. Following ample discussion, consensus that best approach is to have the Senate replace II-307 with this policy at some point this fall. With regards to burden of proof and complainant protections, Jeris informed the UC that federal requirements on disciplinary and dismissal procedures and related codes have changed. This means at some point that FPP language will have to be updated to (1) assure involvement of the Title IX investigator, (2) change the burden of proof to preponderance, and (3) guarantee equal role in the hearing process for the complainant. Jeris is working with Academic Staff on this; Patrick Sheehan is working with University Staff; Jeris and Title IX coordinator can help faculty.
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf asked the UC if there was anything in campus policy that limited the number of tenure clock extensions. Smith answered that there is no limit on the number, but there is an overall limit of 12 calendar years for the probationary period. Mangelsdorf discussed the budget process, UWS performance metrics committee (on which Vice Provost Jocelyn Milner represents Madison), and peer comparisons. System still does not know what variables will be, but we are pushing something with graduate training and research included. In response to a question, Mangelsdorf indicated that there is no CIO search on the immediate horizon. Mike Lehman still working on IT spending project; earliest search would start is spring. All agreed that faculty majority for such a search committee would be appropriate. Discussion about Waisman director search and other searches and about divisional committee processes.
Chancellor Rebecca Blank reminded everyone that school start and convocation are imminent and that the New Faculty Welcome was under way, culminating in picnic at Olin House on Wednesday. Blank reported that there is some indication that the state budget would be done and signed by the end of September. Capital budget was voted on by JFC and did include the Vet Med lot and the Bascom utility project (but not greenhouses or CALS short-term residence hall). Now need to make sure these get into final budget. Maintenance was funded, not as much as in the past, but more than last years zero. Discussion about FoxConn, on which there are not yet specifics, and what this means for the Madison area. Blank has appointed a group to review history of KKK connections on campus. Ample discussion ensued about racism, current activities, free speech, other campuses (especially Charlottesville), and expectations of what will happen when students return to our campus. Blank reported that there will be a commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the inauguration of former chancellor Irving Shain. The UC reported on the meeting with Regent Petersen (see above) and vigorous discussion ensued.
Information Technology Committee co-chairs Joe Salmons and Rafi Lazimy, along with ITC ex officio member Steve Hahn distributed and discussed two handouts ["Rationalization of the Campus IT Service Portfolio Governance Structure" and "Strategic IT Iniatives"]. The focus of discussion was rationalization of campus IT service and the ITC role therein; related topics, also explored in some detail, included IT project intake, IT funding/business model, and other items in the above handouts. Campus surveys reveal thousands of IT services on campus. Preliminary categorization of these services seems to show substantialrepetition of services across campus, which may mean duplication of services. As IT restructuring moves forward, ITC would like to have a leadership role in strategy planning and implementation approval board. UC generally in support of this idea, but needs explicit written articulation, would also like information on peers. Potential for senate action and revamping of ITC charge in FPP.
Warfield moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 3:37 p.m. The UC approved three dual role waiver requests (one as submitted, one contingent on clarification of information, and one for one year rather than the three years requested). Updates were provided on pending grievances. The UC selected Warfield as the UW-Madison faculty representative to UW System, nominated a chair for the ad hoc instructional titles committee, and considered faculty members for the ad hoc group to advise the System workgroup on chancellor qualifications. Warfield moved to reconvene in open session. The motion was seconded and passed at 4:42 p.m. Wanner adjourned the meeting at that time.