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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2019-06-10

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 06/24/2019

Draft Minutes for June 10, 2019          Approved June 24, 2019


UC members present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf

Others present (in addition to those noted below): S. Smith, Heather D., J. Smith, M. Felber, J. Richard, G. Bump, M. Mayrl


Shiny new chair Terry Warfield called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. He then provided an overview of UC attendance at Fac Rep and BoR meetings moving forward (Kirsten Wolf and Paul Campagnola will split) and an update on the annual UC get-together (will not be in the dead of winter). Secretary of the Faculty Steve Smith called attention to the TSARC response response to last semester’s Senate resolution. UC decided to place this item on the October Senate agenda for information. As this was his first official UC meeting as a member, Eric Sandgren commented that he has particular in interest in shared governance, a safe and supportive environment, and administrative burden. The minutes of the meeting of May 20, 2019, were approved with one typographical adjustment.

PROFS lobbyist Jack O’Meara briefly described how PROFS works for the benefit of new UC members and reported on the PROFS response to the recent JFC cutting of $75M from the UW part of the state budget. Consternation and discussion ensued. The UC discussed a working document on activities supporting probationary faculty, especially those with joint appointments. Ample discussion ensued; UC strongly endorses moving forward on all activities, but notes need to be clear about options, nuances, role of mentor vs reviewer, and other details. Primary goal should be clarification of expectations.

The UC approved the general contents of a draft charge for a working group on practice-related titles, to be fleshed out once a committee is in place. The UC also approved the following as a general charge for a working group on promotion to full professor: “Review October 2016 guidance memo on promotion to full professor and determine what from that memo and/or related materials should be incorporated into FPP.” Once membership confirmed, group can be charged.

Athletic Board chair Peter Miller followed up on an issue that has arisen periodically over the last couple of years: the fact that  UW's FARs turn over more frequently than those of our peers. Attaching the FAR(s) to an active AB role puts additional premium on their time. There also tends to be something of a learning curve such that longer terms as FAR bring certain advantages. UC agrees that we should explore ways to be clearer about distinguishing between the two co-FARs that would represent an extension of faculty voice, including potentially some aspect of ex officio connections. Much discussion, which will continue into next year. Sandgren asked about football and long-term injury and Miller updated UC on UW’s leading role in scholarly study of concussions as well as in taking action on results.

Interim Vice Provost Casey Nagy provided an update on last efforts before Extension merger becomes final on July 1. All transition activities still on track. Some functions will continue as they are beyond transition date. Nagy provided much detail; with regard to faculty: (1) Division of Extension will continue to use existing PTR/promotion criteria for one AY, conditional on use of UW-Madison procedures and on limiting reviews/promotions only to those truly eligible. (2) Emeriti faculty from Extension will transfer over as emeriti faculty of Madison, under the auspices of the Senate resolution conferring full privileges of faculty on Extension faculty. UC concurs on both points. Extension will not be subject to initial rollout of new campus youth safety requirements because it is simply not feasible to roll those out that quickly to that broad a group. Extension already has protections for vulnerable populations in place, which will be reviewed in light of new policy. Some discussion of faculty and dean hiring.

Chancellor Rebecca Blank reported that we have received our official notice of reaccreditation. She also updated the UC on staffing changes and the upcoming June 18 dedication of a plaque recognizing the UW’s presence on Ho-Chunk land. Blank reported on recent BoR meeting (new leadership comprised of Madison alums, presentation on Freshwater Science, etc.) and on state budget (JFC not only slashed amount, but also created approval requirements for every expenditure). State role in micromanaging expenditures calls into question why we even have a Board. At a time when the state economy is perhaps stronger than ever in our lifetimes, this is a devastating development, particularly in light of where it seemed things were. Nevertheless, this is worse for other campuses than for us. Blank reported on upcoming WARF, WFAA, and Research Park board meetings, and responded to a question from Sandgren about China-US tensions by acknowledging nobody knows how this will develop, but the prospects for continued educational collaboration are bleak. Blank concluded by noting that recent announcements on fetal tissue research will not have an immediate impact on campus, but are still concerning.

Eric Sandgren moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 3:02 p.m. The UC considered and unanimously approved three 2-year clinical-initial clock extensions, two 1-year clock extension for medical reasons, and a 5-year extension of a leave of absence (for a total of just under 10 years). The UC developed a list of nominees for working groups on (1) promotion to full and (2) practice-related titles. The UC approved the ITC’s selection of incoming chair and assigned its own members to UC-based seats on various committees. Warfield moved to reconvene in open session to adjourn. The motion was seconded and passed at 3:51 p.m., at which point Warfield declared the meeting adjourned.

University committee 
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Jenny S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty