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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2019-08-19

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 08/26/2019

Approved minutes for August 19, 2019          
approved August 26, 2019

UC members present: Campagnola, Halverson (by phone from 1:16 p.m.), Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf

Others present (in addition to those named below): J. Richard, M. Felber, J. Smith, B. Tischler, A. Goyal, H. Daniels

Chair Terry Warfield called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. PROFS lobbyist Jack O’Meara reported on a bill being reintroduced by Rep. Hesselbein to reinstate shared governance language in Chapter 36 of state statutes. Discussion followed. O’Meara also reported on and discussed the “free speech” rules being considered by the BoR and by the legislature, the Mark Cook bill, and the Regents funding formula for new funds.

Secretary of the Faculty Steve Smith passed on the chancellor’s apologies for having to cancel out of today’s meeting and called attention to the annual CWU trends report. Smith also asked the UC to approve the following two clerical housekeeping matters: (1) Changing the reference in FPP Chapter 3 from 6.49. to 6.04.D., to reflect the reorganization of Chapter 6 material the Senate did over a year ago. This reference, in 3.01.B., relates to dean searches and clearly intends to reference the part of Chapter 6 relating thereto, which was moved during the aforementioned changes to Chapter 6. (2) Removing II-400, a glossary of General Library System terms, which was placed in Faculty Legislation by a previous Secretary of the Faculty rather than by Senate action and is not legislation. The UC unanimously approved both without discussion. The changes will be made and reflected in the legislative actions recap in the Senate’s October materials.

The UC discussed a request from EAO to have LifeMatters, with which it has a new contract to expand mental health services to employees, present at the Faculty Senate. While the UC did not object to someone from outside the campus community presenting at Senate, it did feel that it would be better to explore ways to have such a presentation fit into context of a faculty or leadership presentation. The UC discussed at length developing a land recognition statement for the Faculty Senate. Smith confirmed that the new plaque recognizing that we are on Ho-Chunk land will be hosted by the Senate in October. In light of cautionary guidance provided on the development of land recognition statements, the UC will not simply adopt language, but rather Erica Halverson and Eric Sandgren will follow up with Assistant Dean Aaron Bird Bear and others  to work towards the most meaningful and lasting way to go about this.

Sandgren reported on his conversations with Graduate School Dean Karpus and the TAA co-chairs about how best to ensure appropriate and effective representation of graduate and professional students. Discussions went well and there will be follow-up; in general things are moving along and somewhat up to the TAA at this point. Discussion followed. Kirsten Wolf reported on the recent BoR meetings, which focused on finances, especially the unfunded freeze. Smith reminded Wolf and Campagnola that along with their being co-fac reps, they are also now the contacts for the UWS TTC advisory committee. The minutes of the meeting of July 29, 2019, were approved.

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Lori Reesor and the UC discussed the student discipline and reinstatement case that kept Chancellor Blank from being able to attend this meeting. Reesor reiterated that the main message that campus wants to get out is that we are working diligently and constantly to increase support on sexual assault issues. A major awareness campaign will start this fall; messaging, visibility, and knowledge of services are increasing. Reesor committed to creating some talking points and response strategies for faculty on these issues. She also reported on a new information campaign to students on issues of mental health (including promotion of increased numbers of counselors, extended hours, and development of a peer coaching model) and efforts to educate our community about responsibilities inherent in the invitation of visitors to campus (a guidance document is being drafted). Some discussion about move-in and orientations followed.

Following introductions and some context on the UC from Warfield, Provost Karl Scholz reported on ongoing and upcoming searches and distributed a document outlining Extension leadership plans for faculty in that division. This document is Interim VP Nagy and Interim Dean Martin’s response to a question from that chancellor about what happens when Extension faculty retire and/or no longer work at Extension. Some discussion followed and the UC will follow up. Asked about his goals and priorities as provost, Scholz enumerated three categories of activity (with much discussion throughout): the teaching and learning agenda on campus and how to maintain already existing vibrant activity while continuing to increase quality of instruction and service to faculty and other instructors; retaining and growing our faculty in an inclusive way, including through existing efforts such as TOP and the data science initiative; and reviewing and revising the structure of the office of the provost in order to take advantage of its unique crosscutting perspective on campus, which will involve potentially changing the process for handling disciplinary matters, among other things. Discussion continued for some time, concluding with the UC exhorting the new provost to confidently rely on shared governance.

Sandgren moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 2:45 p.m. The UC approved a one-year tenure clock extension and a one-semester dual role waiver. After a significant amount of discussion, the committee voted not to approve a second clock extension request, noting that the request did not demonstrate that the circumstances alluded to were in fact beyond the control of the faculty member or that a plan had been developed that would lead to resolution of the problem. Sandgren will serve as UC/faculty representative on the search and screen committee for a new AVC-EHS. The UC selected John Shutske as its nominee to serve as faculty chair for the search and screen committee for a permanent Dean of Extension. The UC developed a list of faculty nominees for the reconstituted VCRGE search and screen committee. Kirsten Wolf moved to reconvene in open session. The motion was seconded and passed at 4:05 pm, at which point Warfield adjourned the meeting.

University committee 
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Jenny S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
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