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SoHE Position Request Process Guide

Process guide for position requests.

SoHE Position Request Process Guide

Effective Date: 22 March 2024

Immediate Contact for Questions: Cody Loew, ADFA

Intended audience of this workflow: Hiring Managers

To request approval to hire a position, the SoHE has established this workflow process to guide hiring managers or their designee. All units must seek initial approval from the Dean/Dean’s Designee to proceed with their intended hiring process. This process should be followed for all hires including renewable/ongoing (permanent) or fixed term terminal (temporary) appointments, including waivers and recruitments.

Department/unit leadership are to seek initial approval from the Dean. Upon informal approval the Hiring Manger will complete the SoHE Request to Hire Form. This form provides basic information about the position being requested to the Dean/Dean’s Designee and the Business Affairs Team (BAT) for review of financial impacts, needs, etc. The Associate Dean for Finance and Administration will then present the BAT recommendation/impacts to the Dean. Upon approval of the proposal, the hiring manager or their designee will be contacted by SoHE Human Resources or CAPS to begin joint PVL development; please refer to the SoHE Position Request Flowchart for details regarding this process.

This is intended to inform the Dean/Dean’s Designee of what you are request so they may consider if a position should be filled and to understand related operational, fiscal, space, etc. impacts to SoHE and respective units.

What to expect at this point of the recruitment/hiring process:

     • The SoHE request to hire form is intended to be an informational document that presents a high-level explanation of the position being requested.

     • The hiring manager or designee should be able to identify basic position information, budget impacts and space impacts.

     • The hiring manager should be able to provide a one to two paragraph job summary for the position that clearly describes key job duties, areas of responsibilities, and the role that this position will play within the operational unit. This is not meant to be a detailed PVL.

     • The hiring manager should be able to identify the business need for the position, contribution to SoHE plans and priorities, impacts on operations such as how this would improve unit operations, etc.

What is not intended or expected at this point to the recruitment/hiring process:

     • The need for the hiring manager or designee to write any formal PVL or Position Description at this point.

     • If this is a new position, it is possible that you may not have a formal title identified at this point. Formal titling should be determined upon approval for hiring and in collaboration with SoHE Human Resources

Hiring Payroll HR 
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Angela O. in School of Human Ecology
School of Human Ecology