News and Announcements

Qualtrics Legacy Single Response Report to be deprecated by February 18, 2023

Posted: 2023-01-05 11:52:06   Expiration: 2023-02-19 00:00:01

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2023-01-05 11:52:06. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

After February 18, 2023, single response reports using the legacy URL format will no longer work. The URL will display an error. Before February 18, 2023, any email task or trigger that uses the legacy response report URL will need to be migrated to use the new single response report.

What is Changing?

The legacy single response report generates a URL for a single survey response. An example of the URL format is shown below:


These URLs are no longer generated in Qualtrics but may still be used in survey email triggers or tasks that were manually created using piped text.

Note: Piped text is similar to mail merge. In Qualtrics, piped text pulls information from different sources and displays that information to the survey respondent. It allows you to customize question and answer content for each respondent.

After February 18, 2023, single response reports using the legacy URL format will no longer work. The URL will display an error.

What action do I need to take?

Before February 18, 2023, any email task or trigger that uses the legacy response report URL will need to be migrated to use the new single response report. There are 2 ways to switch to the new report URL:

  1. Create an email task via Workflows and enable the “Include Response Report” option. This will automatically include a response report link in your email. 

  2. Use an embedded data field in your email task to pipe in the new single response report URL. The format of the piped text is {srr://SingleResponseReportLink}.


If you have a question about how to start using the new single response report solution, please visit the Email Task support page. It is also worth checking the XM Community to see if any other users have the same question. If you would rather speak to a specialist, the Qualtrics Support Team is always ready to assist. See our KB article Log-in to Qualtrics Support.

Thank you,

UW-Madison Qualtrics Team

-- UW-Madison Qualtrics Team