University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-09-03

approved September 8, 2014
September 3, 2014
Present: Fair, Broman, Farrar-Edwards (arrived: 10:07), Meyerand, Wendt (arrived: 9:56)
Absent: Petty

1. Meeting called to order: 9:49 AM
a. Discussion of future meetings
b. Discussion of emeritus faculty committee service: Broman will draft revision to FPP to clarify that policy applies to all service and to address appointment threshold.
2. Dean of Students Berquam, Housing Director Novak, Chief Riseling, UHS Director Van Orman
a. Chief Riseling briefed the UC on procedures and requirements for Clery reporting and follow-up on recent internal audit. First annual security report under new structure has been drafted. Reporting structure and training of 3500 staff to follow.
b. Chief Riseling briefed the UC on status of Title IX reporting and follow-up. Gaps identified and road map to close gaps drafted. This process now in Luis Pinero’s office. Action steps to identify and train 22,000 staff to follow. (UC will follow up with Pinero once training program is in place.)
c. Overall approach is to get students the help they need.
d. Dr. Van Orman provided update on alcohol usage and policies on campus. (HANDOUT: Alcohol updates – September 2014). program implemented as both intervention and data source. UW does not compare favorably to peer institutions. Interventions being developed to create a culture of care.
e. Q&A centered on student reaction and involvement in actions and procedures, as well as inclusion of parents.
3. Provost Update: Sarah Mangelsdorf
a. Provost will follow up on Friday teaching
b. Provost and UC discussed UW’s current civility initiatives and experience of other institutions.  
4. Minutes of the meeting of August 25, 2014 approved
5. Discussion of Downs amendment to diversity framework. Options include amendment to Senate-approved amendment, removal of amendment from framework, leaving amendment as approved by Faculty Senate. Consensus to move discussion to November given full agenda for October Senate meeting.
6. Consensus that faculty compensation committee should address parental leave policies this year, starting with a survey of state law, other institutions, and UW policy. Wendt to draft charge.
7. Farrar-Edwards and Meyerand will follow up with VCRGE office on IRB.
8. Discussion of where RSP is located. Currently in flux.
9. Meeting adjourned: 11:48 AM.

KeywordsUniversity Committee september   Doc ID60191
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2016-01-27 14:53:53Updated2024-10-01 08:09:15
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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