Topics Map > VPN and Remote Desktop
Accessing the Science Hall Virtual Lab server
How to access the Science Hall Virtual Lab server via Windows and macOS
You can access some Geography lab applications, including ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap and ArcCatalog), ENVI, and some other software online.
PLEASE BE ADVISED: You must be connected to the UW network (wired connection, or using WiscVPN if on wireless or off-site) to access this system. More information about WiscVPN can be found at this knowledge base article.
Additional notes:
- The Science Hall Virtual Lab server has a limited amount of resources, and can only handle a small to a medium number of people at a given time. As much as possible, we recommend using the computers available in Science Hall 009, M376 (Geography computer lab), Map Library, or 380 (when available), or using your own Windows device. If the website or application is slow please try again later when use may be lower.
- A fast internet connection is highly recommended.
- This technology experiences some issues from time to time. If you cannot access the applications or the site, or get an error, please email the GNP IT Help Desk at with the issue. Please be as descriptive as possible, including any error messages you have received. Screenshots can also be helpful.
Prerequisite: You must have Microsoft Remote Desktop installed on your device. You can download and install this app from the Apple App Store if you have not already done so.
- If you are on wireless or off-site, start by connecting to WiscVPN.
- Open the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client (through LaunchPad or in the Applications folder in Finder).
- If this is your first time accessing the Science Hall Virtual Lab server, you will need to add a workspace.
To add a Workspace:
- Choose the Workspaces tab, then click on Add Workspace.
- Enter as the workspace URL. Leave everything else as-is and click Add.
- Choose the Workspaces tab, then click on Add Workspace.
- Double-click the entry to connect.
- When prompted to login use ad\{NetID} and then your NetID password.
- If you get stuck on a screen that says "Setting up workspace/Connecting to workspace" for longer than 30 seconds, cancel and try adding the workspace again.
- If you get stuck on a screen that says "Setting up workspace/Connecting to workspace" for longer than 30 seconds, cancel and try adding the workspace again.
- Once you are logged in you will see the available Science Hall Lab Applications. (Apps below are a representation and may not reflect available apps due to upgrades, security permissions, removals, or other factors).
- Before launching an app:
- click on the Microsoft Remote Desktop menu and click Preferences.
- At the bottom of the Preferences screen, choose the option to redirect your Documents folder to the server so that you can save remote files onto your computer. In the example below, the /Users/helpdesk/Documents folder is redirected.
- Once you are done with folder redirection, close out of Preferences.
- click on the Microsoft Remote Desktop menu and click Preferences.
- Double-click on an available application to launch it. When prompted to login, use ad\{NetID} and then your NetID password. Then click Continue.
- After a few moments of configuring the gateway, if you get a certificate error click Continue to accept the certificate (your connection is indeed secure).
- After a few moments of configuring the gateway, if you get a certificate error click Continue to accept the certificate (your connection is indeed secure).
- Your application will then launch.
To save or open a remote file to or from your computer, save or open it as you would normally. Click on This PC in the Save/Save As/Open dialog box. You will see an item on the Save or Open dialog that says Redirected drives and folders - from there you can now save or open files.
- If you are on wireless or off-site, start by connecting to WiscVPN.
- Open a web browser and go to
- Log in with your NetID username and password.
- You will see a selection of Science Hall lab applications that you can run. Click on the needed application to launch it.
- If prompted to log in again, re-enter your NetID username and password.
- If you receive certificate errors, click to accept.
- Exit the application when you are done using it.
- Log out of the Virtual Lab site and close your browser when you are done.