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Using Zoom in Science Hall Room 110

How to use the system in Room 110

Open the Zoom app and click on the SSO button to login using your UW Madison NetID.
Zoom Login Screenshot
Use for the Company Domain, then click Continue. You will be taken to the UW Madison NetID page. Login with your NetID and Zoom will open to your dashboard.

Zoom SSO Login

Click on New Meeting to start a Zoom meeting. You may also click on your calendar to open any scheduled meetings.

To switch camera from the front to the rear, press Alt-N or click on the arrow alongside the camera.
Zoom camera settings
 Do not change the microphone or speaker settings – these should always be set to Shure P300-IMX Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (Shure P300). If you find this on any other setting, please change it back.

When you are finished, logout of Zoom completely and close any web browser windows to keep your account secure.

Keywordszoom, 110, technology, smart, remote, hybrid, camera, lecture, nelson   Doc ID117333
OwnerTino K.GroupDept of Geography
Created2022-03-14 12:11:25Updated2022-10-31 13:31:53
SitesDepartment of Geography
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