Network Weathermap

Network Weathermap
The original weathermap url is and will remain at: and is linked off of as "Main Netmap".

=== Graphs per connector/sitecode [autogenerated]
Across the top of the main netmap you will see grey boxes, one per sitecode/connector.  This is clickable and will take you to an autogenerated graph of links that is relevant per connector.  Branch campus locations are now folded under their parent campuses.  The end result is hopefully each UW now has a linkable page of graphs relevant to them across all devices.   For example, UW Platteville hard links to   On these graphs you should be able to 

* mouse over an interface name to see a description
* mouse over a link to see a traffic graph
* click a link to see an expanded traffic graph 
* click the device to see a graph of all links on the device [not just for the connector in question]

=== Graphs per device [autogenerated]

On any "non device" netmap, if you click a device, you will be taken to an autogenerated device specific page.  These are linkable.  For example, here is a link to a platteville device.  On these graphs you should be able to

* mouse over an interface name to see a description
* mouse over a link to see a traffic graph
* click a link to see an expanded traffic graph 
* click the device to bring up GNMIS

==== A few other netmaps

Linked off of, "Other Netmaps" leads to

There are subdirectories per device as well as sitecode.  Also of interest is the 'other' subdirectory that as of writing contains the following.

wmap-connectors.html    : [autogenerated] all connector facing interfaces by device
wmap-internet.html      : [autogenerated] all internet facing interfaces by device
wmap-mgmt.html          : [autogenerated] all management facing interfaces by device
wmap-uwsysnet-core.html : [hand maintained] main backbone and internet peer links
wmap-uwsysnet.html      : [hand maintained] the original netmap  

Network Weathermap 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Michael H. in UW System Network
University of Wisconsin System Network