FIDO: Use of colors in FIDO web applications

FIDO: Use of colors in FIDO web applications

The use of colors in fido.cgi

These colors are listed in order of priority.
When seen in the comments column cell,
implies that the comment has expired.

When seen across and entire row, implies
that the Parent test is not running.
FIDO: Troubleshooting STALE alarms 
Informational alarms
* time of day
* holddown
* impact 4
FIDO: Impact, Time of Day, Hold Down attributes
Missing items [snmp instance removed]
FIDO: 'not found' alarms from the fido_snmp test
Admin down items
ESP items
Impact 1 items
FIDO: generic alarm matching criteria and examples
Newer items
 * configurable, set to 10 minutes.
Newer items that are recurring
FIDO: Recurring items
Uncommented items
 * Occurs if a 'newer' item is not
Commented Items

KeywordsFIDO: Use of colors in FIDO web applications   Doc ID9855
OwnerMichael H.GroupNetwork Services
Created2009-05-11 19:00:00Updated2022-04-29 17:05:18
SitesNetwork Services, Systems & Network Control Center, University of Wisconsin System Network
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