Hybrid Video Conferencing General Information
UW-Madison | |
Supported Video Collaboration Tools | |
Tool | For More Information |
Cisco Webex | Webex Knowledge base |
Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Teams Knowledge base |
Zoom | Zoom Knowledge base |
Google Hangouts as part of Google Apps for UW | Google Meet Knowledge base |
Supported Hardware
Room Series
- Cisco Room Bar
- Cisco Room Bar Pro
- Cisco Room Kit Pro
- Cisco Room Kit EQ
- Cisco Room Kit EQX
- Cisco Room Kit - End of Sale (Support available until May 31, 2029)
- Cisco Room Kit Mini - End of Sale (Support available until Oct. 31, 2029)
- Cisco Room Kit Plus - End of Sale (Support available until May 31, 2029)
Board Series
Desk Series
Hardware Instructions
- Check out our Help Guide
Consultation Request
- Check out our Custom Audiovisual Conference Room service page.
Upcoming Features
- Check out the RoomOS Monthly Release Notes
Room Designer Tool
- Looking to design a new room? Use this Workspace Designer Tool for recommendations on equipment needs
How to Join a Meeting
If the room was added to the Zoom event, the meeting will appear on the touch panel 5 minutes before the scheduled start time.
Tap Join to join the meeting.
Note: If the Zoom meeting has not yet been started by the host, you will need to enter your Zoom host key or wait for the meeting to start.
Manually Join
- If the room was not added to the Zoom event, tap Zoom
- Option 1 - Invite the room in Zoom
- In Zoom, click Participants in the meeting controls
- Click Invite at the bottom of the participants panel
- Click the Room System tab
- Enter the "Pairing" code displayed on the TV/Projector
- Option 2 - Join with meeting information
- Enter the Zoom meeting ID and Passcode when prompted
- If you are the host, enter your host key
Microsoft Teams
If the room was added to the Microsoft Teams event, the meeting will appear on the touch panel 5 minutes before the scheduled start time.
Tap Join to join the meeting.
Manually Join
- If the room was not added to the Teams meeting, tap Microsoft Teams
- Get the Video Conference ID (NOT the Meeting ID or password) from the meeting invitation (example: 123 456 789 0)
- Enter the Video Conference ID, then press Join
Cisco Webex
If the room was added to the Webex event, the meeting will appear on the touch panel 5 minutes before the scheduled start time.
Tap Join to join the meeting.
Manually Join
- To join a Webex meeting manually, tap Webex on the home screen:
- Enter the Meeting Number (access code) and tap Join
Google Meet
If the room was added to the Google Meet event, the meeting will appear on the touch panel 5 minutes before the scheduled start time.
Tap Join to join the meeting.
Manually Join
- To join a Google Meet meeting manually, choose Google Meet on the home screen:
- Enter the 10-digit Meeting Code and tap Join
Note: the meeting code can be found in the meeting invitation (example: abc-defg-xyz)
Hybrid Conferencing Rooms
21 North Park
2828 Marshall Court
- 1st Floor - 13 (General Internal Medicine)
301 S Westfield
- 3rd Floor - 320.42, 320.43
333 East Campus Mall
- 8th Floor - 8003, 8309, 8319, 8401, 8602, 8808, 8811
- 10th Floor - 10302
445 Henry Mall
565 Science Drive
- 2nd Floor - 239
610 North Whitney Way
- 2nd Floor - 206, 240, 251, 264 - Willow, 291 - Aspen, 294 - Oak
- 3rd Floor - 349, 351
700 Regent Street
- DoIT - 201C, Break Room Cart, Monona, Starkweather, Yahara
- ATP - Kegonsa, Mendota, Waubesa, Wingra, Yahara
702 West Johnson
- 1st Floor - DEM 1105
724 West Johnson
- 1st Floor - Hearing Room
8010 Excelsior Drive
- Room by Name - PDS Room 1
Agricultural Engineering Building
- 2nd Floor - 212
Agricultural Hall
- 1st Floor - 125
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Building
- 3rd Floor - 317
- 11th Floor - 1125
Bascom Hall
Babcock Hall
- 2nd Floor - 290
Bakke Rec Center
- 2nd Floor - 2142A
Biochemistry Building
Biochemistry Labs
- 1st Floor - 175, 179
Biochemical Sciences Building
- 1st Floor - 1211
- 2nd Floor - 2321
- 4th Floor - 4413
- 2nd Floor - 285
- 3rd Floor - G5/320
- 7th Floor - K4/745
Chemistry Building
- 2nd Floor - 2370A, 2370B, 2370G, 2370H, 2370J
- 4th Floor - 4417, 4419, 4421, 4423, 4425, 4444
Computer Science and Statistics
Dejope Hall
- 1st Floor - 1110, 1112
DPPS (2109 South Stoughton Road)
- 1st Floor - 102
Eagle Heights Community Center
- 1st Floor - 108 , Eagle Heights Cart
Enzyme Institute
- 2nd Floor - 234
Genetics-Biotechnology Center Building
Goodnight Hall
- 4th Floor - 412
Gordon Dining & Event Center
- Basement - B116H
- 2nd Floor - Symphony Room
Holt Center
- 1st Floor - Program Room
- 3rd Floor - 3211C
Ingraham Hall
- 2nd Floor - 206
Lowell Hall
- Basement - B1A
Memorial Union
- 5th Floor - Union Terrace Overlook
Microbial Sciences
- 1st Floor - 1220, 1520
- 2nd Floor - 2550
- 6th Floor - 6201
Middleton Building
Meiklejohn House
- 1st Floor - 105
Meat Science & Animal Biologistics Discovery
Morgridge Hall
North Hall
- 2nd Floor - 211, 422
Noland Hall
- 1st Floor - 163
Ogg Hall
Radio Hall
Rust Schriener
Science Hall
- 1st Floor - 140
Sellery Hall
- 1st Floor - 135, 137
Slichter Hall
Social Sciences
- 1st Floor - 1199
- 4th Floor - 4285F
Teacher Education Building
- 3rd Floor - 346, 350
Union South
- 3rd Floor - First Nations
Vilas Hall
Village Mall
Van Hise
- 2nd Floor - 250, 254
- 11th Floor - 1066, 1120
- 8th Floor - 132