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Word Macro and distiller for journals

How to set up Adobe Distiller on the various journal computers to properly create PDFs for the publisher

Updated on 8/28/2015 


Law Review and WILJ:

Have user login

Check S:\Students\WILJ 

Copy _SetWin12.dotm and paste into C:\User|AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Office\Templates

Open Word > File > Options > Add ins > Manage: Select Word Add Ins > Add and browse to .SetWin12 file.

To check if it works, type something, View > Macros and run.



Check that Adobe PDF is installed as printer

Go to //uwlaw7/Acrobat

Set In as shortcut on Desktop

Set Out as shortcut on Destop

Print Word Doc > you'll see it in "IN" on destkop and then it should disappear and be in "OUT"


Basically, the process is as follows- The user has a document that they're ready to submit to the publisher. They make sure they have a post script print driver installed that is set to print to file. Any PS driver will work - color or BW. When they're ready to create the PDF, they open their document and print it to the PS driver. Since the driver is set to print to file, the process will ask for a save location. The new file should be saved to \\uwlaw7\acrobat\in and given a file name.

After the file is saved to uwlaw7, the server's distiller process will look at that folder (it's continually watching for new jobs to arrive) and it will process the .prn (post script) file into a PDF. The PRN file and resultant PDF will be moved to \\uwlaw7\acrobat\out and the user can pick up their completed job there. This should take no more than 20-30 seconds to complete. If the file is correctly made and saved to the share but is stuck in the "in" folder, check that the distiller process is running on uwlaw7 (log in to uwlaw7 as techda on UWLAW, Start -> Acrobat Distiller 6.0 (2)). Restart the process or the server if needed.

How to setup:

  1. Install a post script printer and set the location to print to to FILE (Usually, you can choose file, USB, LPT1, etc) It's advisable to name the printer "Make PDF" or something like that.
  2. Browse to \\uwlaw7\acrobat.
  3. Right click on the In and Out folders and choose "Send to > Desktop (create shortcut)"
  4. Confirm that they have "Shortcut to In" and "Shortcut to Out" on their desktop.

How to create PDF:

  1. Open the document to be made into a PDF.
  2. Choose File > Print.
  3. Navigate to their desktop and open the shorcut to in for the "save to" location and give the file a name. Save it.
  4. From the desktop, open "shortcut to out" and the completed PDF should be there momentarily.

How to Reset Acrobat Distiller:

  1. RDC into uwlaw7
  2. Open Acrobat Distiller 6.0
  3. Restart

Other Items to Consider

1. If nothing is happening after printing to "in" after trying to restart Acrobat Distiller on uwlaw7
Check Acrobat Distiller Settings > Watched Folders  > should have settings as well as "in" folder..if not set it up
*Make sure you're running Acrobat Distiller as Admin/R

law review and WILJ Macro and distiller adobe acrobat wilj christensen 
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Owned by:
Darryl B. in Law School
Law School