Troubleshooting Groups in Outlook / Office 365

Troubleshooting groups in Outlook - changing email settings.
All troubleshooting should be done from email client and not the Outlook application. 
Here's a screenshot for the "Follow in inbox" instructions: 
  • In the Wiscmail web client, click on the people / contacts icon in the left column of icons, then click on "Groups" and then "Owner" assuming you're the owner - otherwise, you should be able to find the group in the members list.
  • Select the group- in the main group settings pane, make sure that "Follow in inbox" is toggled on.
  • If it is toggled on, try toggling it off and back on
Image 1: Visual representation of bullet points regarding group email setting toggle.
How to receive a copy of group emails that you send: 
  • Log into Wiscmail:
  • Click the Settings gear in the upper right
  • In Settings, select Mail, then Groups - and check the box "Send me a copy of email I send to a group"
Image 1: Visual representation of bullet points regarding receiving self sent email to inbox.

Office 365 Groups email troubleshooting 
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Darryl B. in Law School
Law School