Adding delegates to O365 Calendar (Office Web App)
Step by step process of inviting another user in your organization to be a delegate for your Office 365 Calendar.
For best results, DoIT suggests adding delegates to your Calendar via the Outlook Web App rather than using the Outlook desktop application. DoIT also suggests using OWA to create, modify, and delete Calendar events.
Inviting a delegate for your Calendar:
How to add another user within your organization (i.e., as a delegate for your personal Calendar.
1) Sign in to the Outlook Web App (
2) Within the Calendar application of the Outlook Web App, click on the Share icon at the upper right corner of the window.

3) Within the "Sharing and permissions" window:
a) Enter the Email address of the person with whom you wish to share your Calendar.

b) Select Delegate from the dropdown menu

c) Click on the Share button

Accepting a Calendar Invite
NOTE: The person(s) you choose to delegate your Calendar MUST accept the invitation before sharing/delegation can take place.
The invitee should click the Accept and View Calendar button.

Your Calendar delegation is now complete, and can be modified or deleted if/when necessary.