In this case, you may need to force ADS to log out the session that is causing trouble. This can be done by WCER Technical Services, but if you experience this problem outside of WCER Technical Services hours or are unable to contact Technical Services, you can also use the Force Session Logout utility in ADS to perform this task yourself.
To use this utility, log into the WCER ADS web page at and click on the link for the "ADS Utilities" folder.
Select the "Force Session Logout" icon in this folder and click on it.
Just like launching any other ADS application, you may be asked to log into the ADS server or to accept a connection. Once you have done this you will see a script window appear briefly as your sessions are logged out.
When the logouts are complete, the window will disappear. Wait 1-2 minutes to make sure all sessions have completed logout and you should be able to launch new applications via ADS.