How to View Meeting Content Created by Webex Assistant for Meetings

After the meeting ends, the meeting host will receive an email when the meeting highlights, transcript, and recording are available. If the host has shared the content with you, you'll receive an email too. The email contains a link to the meeting content on your Webex site.

Getting Started


If you're the host and the content is ready to view, you'll receive an email that says, "Your Webex meeting content is available." Select View meeting content in the email.

Meeting Content Link

If the host shared the meeting content with you, the email says, "<Host name> shared Webex meeting content with you."

The Meeting content page on your Webex site opens.

Meeting Content


If meeting highlights were captured during the meeting, you can access them from the Highlights tab. If the meeting was recorded, you can access the meeting transcript and recording from the Transcript and Recording tabs, respectively.

You can also navigate to the meeting content directly from your Webex site after it's available. Go to Meetings in the left navigation bar and select the Completed tab.

Completed Meetings

Locate and select the meeting.  If you don't see the meeting in the list, the host hasn't shared the meeting content with you.

webex, webex assistant, assistant, meeting content, highlights, view meeting content, view content 
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Shawn T. in Cisco Webex
Cisco Webex, DoIT Help Desk