Webex - How to Install and Schedule a Webex Meeting Using the Webex Scheduler in Outlook Web Access

Outlook Web Access (OWA) can use a Webex Meeting plug-in called Webex Meeting Scheduler to allow users to schedule a Webex Meeting.
1. Navigate to the My UW Portal and select Calendar.
  • You may need to search for Calendar in the top search bar
OWA at UW Madison portal

2. Select New Event to schedule and click on the 3 dots as shown below and select Get Add-ins.


Getting to OWA
3. Search and select Cisco Webex Meetings Scheduler.
Adding plug in
4. After completing a few more steps (5-8) You will now have the ability to add a Webex Meeting by clicking on the Webex Meeting icon in upper right corner.
Webex Meeting in OWA with proper install

5. We need to make sure Webex Meeting is turned on in OWA. You only need to do this once. Click on Gear icon in upper right corner.

Calendar invite with Webex Meeting icon
6. Select at the bottom View all Outlook Settings
Turn on Webex in OWA
7. Make sure the Calendar is selected to the left and select Customize Actions.
Customize actions
8. Make sure Cisco Webex Meeting Scheduler is checked.
Select in OWA Webex Meeting plugin

owa, outlook web access, webex meeting, can I schedule a webex meeting using owa? scheduling webex meeting through OWA, scheduled meeting, webex scheduler 
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Shawn T. in Cisco Webex
Cisco Webex, DoIT Help Desk