Webex App - How to Manage all your Phone Calls in one Place
If you make and answer a lot of calls throughout your work day or you manage multiple lines or shared lines, we've got just the thing for you. Just open the multi call window from Webex App. From there, you can make and answer calls, get a quick view of your line status, and easily access some common calling features: mute, hold, share, conference, park, barge and transfer.
How to Open the Multi Call Window
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In the app header, click your profile picture, go to Settings > Calling, and then check the Show Multi Call window check box. |
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Click Save. |
How to Check our your Line Status
When you manage multiple lines or you share lines with coworkers, make use of our color-coded line status. At a glance, you can tell what's going on with all of your lines:
—a call is coming in
—you're on a call
—a line is free
—a line is in use by someone else
How to Make a Call
When you make a phone call, the call goes through your primary line, by default. If you have multiple lines, you can choose which line to use for certain calls.
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From the bottom of the multi call window, select the drop-down arrow and choose the line you want to use for your call. |
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Choose one of the following options: