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Web Hosting - Rebranding / Renaming your domain name
If your department is rebranding and your web site's domain and URL need to change we can assist with that transition with two options available.
Recommended Process w/ no downtime: Create a new web space and migrate content:
- DoIT Web Hosting will create a new customer account and subscription with the new DNS / domain name.
- We then provide customers with the information to publish and manage the account.
- Customers then migrate their content and update their websites as needed to reflect the new domain name.
- Customers give the go-ahead that the new site is ready, and DoIT Web Hosting will implement a redirect for the old location to the new and decommission the former account.
Not Recommended w/ downtime: Perform an in-place update to the customer account in Plesk:
- Establish DNS for the new domain name and resolve to the IP of the current site.
- Schedule a date/time with the customer (where downtime is allowable) in order to reconfigure the hosting settings in our web hosting automation software.
- After which, customers will need to update their web sites content as needed to reflect the new domain name.
New domains in the "" domain space are subject to specific guidelines for approval. For more information, please see the DoIT DNS Name Selection Policy.
Please reach out to DoIT Web Hosting at: if you require re-branding for your domain(s).