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Web Hosting - External Domain Names (DNS)
DoIT Web Hosting has access to manage Domain Name System (DNS) services for, and other common UW domains hosted with our service.
Those with externally purchased domains such as .org, .net, .com and the like are able to delegate DNS management to the campus DNS service and is required for new web hosting accounts.
Domains can continue to be registered and renewed at the provider/register but the authority to manage DNS entries can be handled by the Hostmasters on your behalf -or- the Web Hosting team (if part of our service).
NOTE: UW departments who are registering external domains are encouraged to procure them via UW-Madison Amazon Web Services cloud accounts. This is NetID based and integrated into the campus financial system.
Steps to delegate DNS management:
- Email and provide them with a copy of the zone file for your DNS/Domain. Most providers have an easy way to download this, which contains all your DNS entries.
- The Hostmasters will import those records to the Campus DNS system known as InfoBlox.
- The Hostmasters will instruct you to update your DNS name servers at your external provider to now resolve to the UW-Madison locations.
- All DNS changes can now be made on campus.
Any questions?