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Web Hosting - Free Accounts

DoIT's Web Hosting service offers two options for free hosting of static websites (HTML-only) to UW-Madison affiliates. Note: This service is not available to host personal websites for students, faculty, or staff.

  1. For information about personal hosting services, please see Google Sites.
  2. If you are a member or representative of a Registered Student Organization, please direct your questions to the Center for Leadership & Involvement who provides RSO's a web presence via Wisconsin Involvement Network.
  3. Unless you already have a static site built you may want to review the Campus WiscwebCMS offering, which is based off WordPress and also free of charge. This option is typically less of a burden for one to bring up a site using a UW look and feel (WordPress Theme).

Account Options


Bronze level web hosting accounts come with custom domain names (ex. and a 5 GB maximum quota allocation, and are fully subsidized by DoIT Web Hosting.


Nickel, Silver, Gold, and Platinum level accounts are for customers who require more than 5 GB of quota allocation and/or those who require application/scripting support (ASP.NET, PHP, Java, MySQL, etc.).  These customers pay a monthly fee dependent upon their account's service level.

What's the Difference?

Bronze level accounts are hosted free of charge because static websites typically require fewer server resources and less support time than dynamic web applications. These accounts are best for customers whose needs are met by a brochure-style website composed solely of static HTML pages.

There are two options available Web Hosting - Static Hosting Options (HTML/Javascript/CSS)

If your website requires more functionality, or if you aren't sure which service meets your needs, please review the Service and Pricing Information. Still have questions? Please contact DoIT Web Hosting support at


Interested in applying for an account? Just submit a new account request!.

static, info, account, html, bronze, service, free, hosting, domain, 
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Jake S. in DoIT Web Hosting
DoIT Web Hosting