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Web Hosting - Java/Tomcat - Developer Troubleshooting and Logs

Java Customers have real time access to Apache and Tomcat logs via Secure FTP and the Plesk File Manager

Java/tomcat application developer logging strategies:

  1. Applications should handle their logs with intention. Applications should have their own specific logging configured.
  2. Default logging is just plugging in the libraries--applications need to configure this for their needs.
  3. Don't expect server-level logs to contain your application-specific logs (e.g. Catalina out)
  4. Don't let application exceptions escape your application (e.g. top-level tri-catch block)

Understand the logging levels (how big and what is captured) because this is a dial you have to trace down potential problems.  For instance, in production, you would only log more severe errors than warnings and only increase when debugging an issue that didn't arise in dev/test.

We will not be logging standard in and standard out into Catalina, this is your responsibility.

If you have questions or need advice with your Java/Tomcat application logging strategy please reach out to the Web Hosting Team:


Provided Apache Access and Error Logging:

Via Secure FTP:

  1. Connect your Secure FTP client by entering the supplied host-name, username and password.
  2. Navigate to the /logs folder
  3. Here you will find real time logs and archives of access, error and Tomcat logs

Via Plesk's File Manager:

  1. Login to the Plesk Control Panel for the domain.
  2. Access Plesk File Manger.
  3. Navigate to the /logs folder 
  4. Here you will find real time logs and archives of access, error and Tomcat logs

Consider logging when developing and preparing your application for deployment. It is worth considering adding top level error handling code which can log errors and warnings to your web application logs as a more appropriate location than tomcat logs. Keep in mind that Apache HTTP logs will not contain any useful information about an application error, only that an error condition occurred. 

Apache Vhost: Web Hosting - Apache (read-only) Configuration Availability to Customers

Java Hosting Questions?  Email:

Logs, files, data, java, apache, weblogic, tomcat, access 
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Jake S. in DoIT Web Hosting
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