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Web Hosting - Create and Manage Ruby Applications

A Ruby extension is available in Plesk, which allows users to quickly and easily deploy Ruby apps on their domains. Both Ruby on Rails and Sinatra frameworks are supported.


To Control your Ruby Application, log into the Plesk Control Panel and click on the Ruby Icon.  From the Ruby Control Panel you can:
  • Choose which Ruby version should be used on a domain. Both UI and CLI calls use rbenv utility to achieve maximum conformity
  • Install gem file dependencies via UI using Bundler tool
  • Specify custom environment variables
  • Edit configuration files
For detailed information on using Ruby within Plesk, view the Plesk Ruby Support Page.


Web Hosting uses the Phusion Passenger application server with Ruby.  Per the Ruby on Rails authors, this is the preferred deployment setup, but it does have some limitations.
  • Any individual domain hosted by Web Hosting can support one of PHP, Ruby, or NodeJS.  If support for two or more of the scripting languages is required, additional domains must be used.  (Example: for the frontend/PHP and for the backend/Ruby.)
  • Phusion Passenger logs to the system error log instead of the domain error log.  As a result, you will need to contact Web Hosting to get output from that logfile.  Phusion Passenger Issue #1279
  • Shibboleth attributes can only be accessed via headers, they will not be available within the system environment.

web, application, developers, RoR, JSON, XML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Gems, Linux 
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Jake S. in DoIT Web Hosting
DoIT Web Hosting