Microsoft 365 - Request Domain Users Report

As a domain administrator, you have the ability to request a detailed report of all the accounts within your domain which include basic account details, email addresses, linked NetIDs, Authorized Administrators, and forwarding information.

Request Report

  1. Log on to the Wisc Account Administration site.
  2. Click Delegated Administration.
  3. Select your Office 365 domain from the list.
  4. Under "Domain Administration", click on Reports.
  5. Click Domain Users Report text/link.

You will receive an email which includes an attachment with all the service account details for the email domain.

Note: At this time, there is no reporting process for resource accounts and alternate addresses. You will need to view the respective listings within the Wisc Account Administration site and either search for the information you are looking for within the web page or copy and paste the data within a spreadsheet for further analysis.

Keywordsmicrosoft ms office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 wisc account administration waa service accounts netids alternate addresses basic account details email addresses linked NetIDs Authorized Administrators forwarding information.   Doc ID66825
OwnerO365 S.GroupMicrosoft 365
Created2016-09-09 13:48:58Updated2023-02-02 09:22:57
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365, Wisc Account Admin
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