Procedures: Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Codes at UW-Madison

Procedures related to CIP code assignments, revisions, and impacts on students and reporting.

Procedures on CIP codes

The Vice Provost for Data, Academic Planning and Institutional Research (VP-DAPIR), on behalf of and in conjunction with the Provost, is the authority and assigns program CIP codes in consultation with UW System Administration (Office of Policy Analysis and Research).  

Outside of the university and UW-System, CIP codes are the unique identifiers of our programs. We do not report and are not compared to our peers by program names. CIP codes assignments must be defensible to questions from internal and external audiences, including students, accrediting bodies, and the federal Department of Education. 

Program types assigned CIP codes

  • Degree/majors (named options inherit this CIP code)
  • Capstone certificates
  • Undergraduate certificates
  • Graduate/professional certificates

Determination of a CIP code

The VP-DAPIR determines the CIP based on:

  • program name 
  • program curriculum 
  • program learning outcomes published in Guide 
  • impacts on accreditation 
  • consideration of the program’s certification/licensure 
  • appropriateness of the degree and degree-level awarded by the program (e.x. CIP code 51.3801 (Registered Nurse) specifies that this CIP code is only valid for bachelors and master level degrees.) 
  • current UW-Madison program array of CIP codes 
  • UW System program array of CIP codes 
  • consideration of the national trends for academic programs in any given area 

Principles of CIP code assignment

  1. Consult the federal CIP code taxonomy and description associated with CIP codes to determine the best match based on the determining factors above. The official documentation of the CIP Code is provided to the University Academic Planning Council (UAPC) and reported to the Board of Regents/UW-System Admin (if applicable).
  2. If a CIP code matches closely, confirm:
    1. The proposed CIP applies at all levels of the CIP taxonomy (2-digit, 4-digit, 6-digit).
    2. The proposed CIP is appropriate for the degree and degree-levels awarded by the program.
    3. The proposed CIP applies to all aspects of the curriculum (named options, pathways, areas of emphasis).
    4. The code is not already being used for another program unless the program is an extension of an existing program or is acknowledged to be in a closely related and potentially overlapping area of study to an existing area of study.
    5. Similar programs in the UW-System have the same CIP code assignment. UW System's expectation is that similar programs will have similar CIP code assignments and may not approve DAPIR/UW-Madison's determination of a CIP code. Consultation and negotiation may be required between DAPIR and UW System Administration.
  3. If a CIP code does not match the following pieces are considered to assist in assigning a final CIP code:
    1. The academic home (School/College and Department) of the program. For example, Rehabilitation Psychology has plausible CIP matches in Education (CIP 13) and Health Sciences (CIP 51). Since the program is owned by the School of Education, and the programs are more education based, they were assigned a CIP in area 13. This indicates to stakeholders and agencies related to teacher licensure that the program prepares future teachers.
    2. For programs that prepare graduates for standard occupations, the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes associated with likely employment opportunities for graduates can guide the selection of the CIP code.
    3. CIP Codes assigned for similar programs at other institutions.
    4. The known attributes associated with the CIP code. For example, the undergraduate program in Forest Science has elements of CIP codes 03.0501 (Forestry, General) and 03.0502 (Forest Science and Biology). Neither is a perfect match. However, 03.0502 is considered by most agencies to be a STEM program and eligible for visa extensions through the STEM OPT program. The latter selection was more beneficial to students.
  4. If there isn't a closely matching CIP code the following additional pieces of information are considered and a CIP assignment with the final digits of 9999 ("other" at the CIP area level) or 99 (other at the CIP sub-area level) is made.
    1. The academic home (School/College and Department) of the program and the current CIP code assignments of existing programs in that department. For example, if a program's home is in the English department and no specific CIP codes in area 23 (English Language and Literature/Letters) are appropriate then a CIP code assignment of 23.9999 (English, Other) is considered.
    2. Avoidance of a CIP code already in use for another program at the same level.

Impacts of CIP codes

Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment

  • Title IV-eligible programs that leave students with greater debt to earnings rates (in their anticipated career) must provide warnings to all enrolled students in a program that has failed one of the metrics and potentially require signed disclosure agreements from current and prospective students acknowledging the debt to earnings discrepancy. 
  • Addresses ongoing concerns from the Department of Education about educational programs designed to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation, but that instead leave them with non-affordable amounts of student loan debt in relation to their earnings, or with no gain in earnings compared to others with no more than a high school education. 
  • This is also considered federal reporting (see below).
  • For more information, review the provided information from the Department of Education.

Last updated: 9/30/2024

CIP code change impacts on students

Every student declared in a program must have new data submitted to the National Student Clearing house if the program's CIP code is revised. This may impact their federal financial aid.

CIP code change impacts specifically for International Students

  1. Every F-1 international student is issued an I-20 by International Student Services (ISS). If a program's CIP code changes, every I-20 must be updated for each student who continues in that program.
  2. If there are any J-1 students enrolled, International Student Services (ISS) must update the DS-2019 and provide the Department of State with justification for the change and proof that the academic objective remains the same.

Federal reporting

UW-Madison use CIP codes for reporting, Department of Education requirements, and benchmarking. For these reasons, it’s imperative to accurately report and represent our program’s CIP codes based on the above principles and determined by the governance approved content in Guide. CIP codes maintain integrity and utility of educational data. Peers, ranking models, and other features of reporting are not determined by the program. 

Examples of reporting by CIP code 

  • Federal reporting requires institutions to report program data by CIP code, such as degree completions and enrollments.  
  • The Association of American Universities (AAU) uses CIP codes for categorization in various data exchanges. 
  • Rankings organizations use data in IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System), Common Data Set, and additional UW-Madison submitted data includes or excludes programs from rankings and as indicators in rankings models, including in U.S. News, Washington Monthly, and other national and international rankings. 
  • NACM (national alumni career mobility survey) uses CIP codes for peer benchmarking (UW-System requirement). 
  • The US Census Bureau’s Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO) provides aggregate median earnings data for graduates of certain programs one, five, and ten years post-graduation based on CIP codes. 
  • UW-Madison Tableau Vizes for common comparisons. Requires UW-Madison login (campus internet or VPN).


Initial assignment of CIP codes (new programs)

  • The VP-DAPIR assigns a preliminary CIP code when we submit an NOI to UW System Administration. Programs may submit a CIP code for consideration with their NOI, but do not have the final say.
  • The VP-DAPIR reviews full program proposals and finalizes a CIP code once approved by the University Academic Planning Council (UAPC).

Changes to CIP code assignments

Program's CIP code assignments are rarely revised. Absent a trigger (release of the taxonomy, program drift, etc.), CIP code revisions are generally not considered. CIP code changes are only made effective a fall term to ensure that there is no disruption to student financial aid disbursement, international student visa considerations, and associated federal reporting requirements that factor in CIP code assignment.

There are three scenarios when a program's CIP code may be reassigned:

  1. When the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES; Department of Education) updates the CIP Code taxonomy. This may include directives to move programs to a new CIP (i.e. Veterinary Medicine moved to 01 from 51), or CIP codes may be discontinued and require a new assignment by the VP-DAPIR.
  2. When the VP-DAPIR determines a more appropriate CIP code exists for a program (new CIP codes released from NCES, program drift since original implementation, and/or a significant change has occurred in the program without a request from the program to update the CIP code).
  3. When the curriculum, learning outcomes, and/or program name have changed since the original program proposal and initial assignment of a CIP code. There must be evidence to support the program fits into a different CIP code.

National Center for Education Statistics updates

The Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics updates the CIP code taxonomy every ten years (years ending in 0, ex. 2010, 2020). Typically, the revised list of taxonomies is published in the federal register prior to implementation. With the updates, there may be new, changed, or discontinued codes.

The VP-DAPIR reviews the revised list of CIP codes and determines the impact on existing programs, if applicable:

  1. If CIP codes are discontinued, the VP-DAPIR assigns the next best available CIP code based on the above factors.
  2. If there are revised CIP codes, the VP-DAPIR reviews the programs associated with that CIP code and review the above factors to ensure that the program still fits in that CIP code. If not, DAPIR planners submit a Lumen Programs proposal or Lumen Structures (depends on timing and whether there are other changes to the proposal) with the new CIP code.
  3. The VP-DAPIR considers new CIP codes and assesses whether programs would benefit being placed into a different code. DAPIR planners will consult with the school/college academic planners in this scenario.

Program requested CIP code reconsideration

If a department feels their program no longer meets the definitions of their CIP code, they (school/college) may request a review by the VP-DAPIR for consideration of CIP code reassignment. Proposals to request a STEM-OPT CIP will not be entertained based solely on desiring the attribute for international graduates. Any changes that relate to STEM-OPT must be defensible to the US government as there is higher scrutiny related to international students and financial value transparency and gainful employment.

The VP-DAPIR reviews: 

  1. the program’s current CIP assignment compared to the elements of the above factors (link to determination list above). 
  2. the original assignment of the CIP code and the evolution of the program over time. There must be substantial evidence that the program is no longer the same program as originally proposed. 

If the VP-DAPIR agrees that the CIP code no longer reflects the program, DAPIR planners submit a proposal to revise the CIP code with an effective term of the following fall.

Submitting a request for reconsideration

Email with the following information:

  • The program's current CIP code.
  • The desired CIP code.
  • Rationale, including why the current CIP no longer applies.
  • Implications (to students, reporting analyses, financial aid, certification/licensure, etc.)

Program revisions with evidence to support a CIP code revision

Departments may submit changes to a program's curriculum, learning outcomes, and program name at the same time. If the program revisions are the impetus for a CIP code change, please indicate that in the proposal abstract to initiate a discussion about the overall revisions. This may result in a new program proposal instead of a revision to the existing program.

If departments are making revisions to the program name, curriculum, learning outcomes without a request of a CIP code reconsideration, the VP-DAPIR reviews the overall proposal to ensure it still matches the current CIP code. 

KeywordsCIP code, Classification of Instructional Program, STEM OPT, UW STEM, program reporting   Doc ID110521
OwnerMelissa S.GroupAcademic Planning
Created2021-04-26 13:54:47Updated2024-10-02 11:37:34
SitesAcademic Planning
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