Ensemble Coordination-Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition Guidelines

Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition Guidelines

1.    Eligibility

1.1. The UW–Madison Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition is open to full-time students majoring in music from all areas (brass, jazz, keyboard, strings, percussion, voice, woodwind) at UW–Madison.
1.2. Full-time is defined as freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are registered for at least 12 credits. Graduate students must be enrolled in a degree program and making satisfactory progress. Graduate students with dissertator status and registered for 3 credits may compete as well.
1.3. Previous winners pursuing the same degree are not eligible.
1.4. Musicians who have been named a winner in one of the School of Music Large Ensemble Concerto Competitions are not eligible to compete in a second competition during the same year.

2.    Competition Format

2.1. The competition takes place in two rounds, one preliminary round for each area (brass, jazz, keyboard, strings, percussion, voice, woodwind), and a final round. 
    2.1.1. Participating areas will determine the configuration of its committee and competition for the preliminary round.
2.2. After the preliminary round, each area will advance one winner to the final round. Areas with more than 40 students who meet the eligibility requirements outlined in Section 1 may advance one additional finalist.
2.3. Entries with more than one soloist count as one finalist.
    2.3.1. Entries with mixed-area representation will compete in the area housing a majority of musicians.
    2.3.2. In the case of entries with an equal number of musicians from different areas, faculty in the respective areas will make the determination of which area will hear the ensemble in the preliminary round; and if selected, will count as that area’s finalist.
2.4. The final round judging panel will be comprised of:
    2.4.1. One faculty member representative from every area in the department (regardless of representation in the competition finals).
    2.4.2. The UWSO conductor representing the conducting area.
    2.4.3. Two outside judges proposed by two different areas every year in a rotating cycle. The rotation will be as follows: Year 1(‘19,’23,’26…): Strings and Woodwinds, Year 2(‘21, ‘24, ‘27…): Keyboard and Brass, Year 3(‘22, ‘25,’28…): Percussion and Voice. 
    2.4.4. UW–Madison faculty members whose students are finalists may not be members of this committee.

3.    Repertoire

3.1. Students are required to compete with substantial complete works for soloist/s and orchestral accompaniment as defined by each area.
3.2. At the final round every student is allowed one performance of up to 15 minutes which must feature all contrasting sections/movements of the work.
3.3. Competitors must provide an accompanist for both rounds of the competition. A UW-Madison faculty member may not accompany. Click here for a list of available accompanists.

4.    Winners

4.1. Up to two winners will perform their complete work on different UWSO programs during the next spring and/or fall Semester.
4.2. The committee may also choose up to one finalist who will perform a run-through of a movement or section of their work with the Instrumental Conducting Lab Ensemble in the Spring Semester.

symphony orchestra concerto competition 
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Ben D. in Mead Witter School of Music
Mead Witter School of Music