Weeks Lecture Seminars

Date Speaker Name Talk Title Affiliation Host
September 6, 2024
Department of Geoscience lightning talks
September 13, 2024
Ross Maguire Shallow Magma Accumulation Below Yellowstone Caldera University of Illinois Eva Golos
September 20, 2024
Mike Kipp How precisely can we quantify oxygen levels in the ancient ocean? Duke University Selva Marroquin
September 27, 2024
Kevin Rosso Ion Relaxation Dynamics at Mineral-Water Interfaces: Understanding Electrical Geophysical Signatures of the Subsurface PNNL Huifang Xu
October 4, 2024 (9:55 am)
Sophie Nowicki University of Buffalo Marianne Haseloff
October 11, 2024 (9:55 am)
Roger Creel Retreat, regrowth, and rapid thinning: reconstructing the Holocene history of the Antarctic Ice Sheet WHOI Andrea Dutton
October 18, 2024
Weeks Hall 50th anniversary celebration
October 25, 2024
Till Wagner Birth, Life, Death, and Legacy of Icebergs UW-Madison Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
November 1, 2024
Mike Gurnis Caltech Andrea Dutton
November 8, 2024
Summer Praetorius USGS Shaun Marcott
November 15, 2024
Joanna Millstein Colorado School of Mines Luke Zoet
November 22, 2024
Sid Hemming Columbia University Annie Bauer
November 29, 2024

No seminar (Thanksgiving)

December 6, 2024
Jonathan Caine USGS Laurel Goodwin

KeywordsLectures, Geoscience, Seminars   Doc ID114908
OwnerJoshua B.GroupDepartment of Geoscience
Created2021-11-17 15:13:37Updated2024-09-26 09:58:03
SitesDepartment of Geoscience
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