Getting started

Task list for the newly initiated

Welcome! We're glad to have onboard. Here is your first task list to get you situated.

  • Keys
    Unlike those fancy ECB labs with keyless access doors, our lab uses traditional keys.
    The room numbers for the lab are ERB 138 and ERB B142.
    Request them here:
  • Laser safety training
    While the lasers used for the Annular Flow facility are unlikely to be harmful under proper usage, it is not impossible. As required by EHS, complete the "Laser Safety Training" course. The course involves both a online quiz and a baseline eye exam provided by UHS. You can find instructions to enroll here:
  • Compensation
    Whether you are working in the lab for pay or for credit, square away any relevant paperwork or enrollment. Contact whoever brought you on to sort this out.
  • Establish expectations
    While time expectations are clearly laid out in terms of credits taken, make sure you are on the same page with the lab advisor and grad students you are working with in terms of expectations. What are you going to work on? How many hours a week can you commit? What are the deliverables for the semester? Make sure to communicate days you won't be able to work on lab projects in advance.
  • TEAM Lab / Makerspace fees and permit
    If you intend to fabricate anything as part of your time in the lab, the lab will pay for your shop fees for the relevant semester(s). You should actively work towards obtaining the Green Permit and any relevant upgrades to help you complete your projects. Contact your grad student about the fee. Visit the Team Lab website for applying for the Green Permit:
  • Activate your CAE account 
    If this is your first semester or a transfer student, you might not have activated your CAE account. You can activate it here:
    CAE stands for Computer-Aided Engineering. Your CAE account allows you to log-on public computers (including those in our lab).

payroll keylime keys credits safety laser training 
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Jason C. in Multiphase Flow Visualization and Analysis Lab Wiki
Multiphase Flow Visualization and Analysis Lab Wiki