CHM Grants - Center Director Funding

Overview of Center Director Funding Opportunity and past applications that were awarded.

CHM is offering a small, internal funding opportunity to support mission aligned projects.  Trainees are encouraged to apply and CHM welcomes submissions by trainees with a note of support from their CHM mentor. This opportunity is possible due to the CHM Center Director Endowment Fund.

Eligibility: CHM faculty (Core and affiliated), PIs, Directors and trainees (with mentor endorsement & support)

Amount:  $25,000 - $40,000 in total to be awarded across one or more projects

Timeline: Please submit proposals by noon on 4/25/25. Funding starts 7/1/2025.

Who will decide?  Center Director, in consultation with a small group of ad hoc CHM faculty to be determined based on submissions received.  Faculty will not be asked to weigh in on their own or trainee submissions in order to prevent conflicts of interest.

Criteria/considerations for evaluation:

  1. Alignment with CHM mission and priorities
  2. Will proposed activities contribute to the development of a grant proposal, such as pilot data?
  3. Will proposed activities support collaboration across the Center
  4. Will proposed activities support DEI objectives?

Note:  This funding is not intended to fill funding gaps for existing projects or fund ongoing commitments. However if there is a new direction for a current project or a novel analysis of an extant dataset, (i.e. an extension), this would be acceptable for consideration. In addition, proposals are not required to be scientific research projects.

Proposal Elements

  1. 2 page maximum
  2. Name of CHM requestor and CHM collaborators
  3. Describe the proposed work
  4. Answer the following questions:
    1. Why is the proposed work important?
    2. How does it align with Center mission and priorities?
  5. State the amount requested, along with a brief explanation of expenses to support the requested amount

How to Apply

Please upload proposals to [ UW Box], on or before noon 4/29/24.
Please mark your calendars with next year's proposal submission deadline of noon on Friday 4/25/25.

Proposals Awarded
Proposal Date Awarded Awardees Proposal
Modifying measures of well-being and mental health with justice-involved individuals 06/23/2022 Christy Wilson-Mendenhall and Dan Grupe 2023 Proposal
The effects of digital well-being training on inflammatory biomarkers in asthma 06/23/2023 Melissa Rosenkranz and Simon Goldberg 2024 Proposal
Healthy Minds Program for healthcare Providers 06/07/2024 Sydney Tan, Simon Goldberg, and Teri Pipe 2025 Proposal

Background Materials

  1. Richie's State of the Community Update 2021
  2. CHM's Fiscal Year 2022 Priorities

Internal, grant, CHM Center Director Endowment Fund, trainees 
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Owned by:
Brendon P. in Center for Healthy Minds
Center for Healthy Minds