Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 08-22-24
Approved 09-05-24
ASEC Minutes
1:00 – 3:30 p.m. Thursday, August 22, 2024
Members Present: Richard Barajas, Aaron Crandall, Alissa Ewer (vice chair), Terry Paape, Nicole Senter, Diane Stojanovich, Nola Walker
Members Absent: Albert Muniz
Guests: Diana Harvey, Karen Massetti-Moran, Haley Rogers, Paul Seitz, Patrick Sheehan
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m.
The minutes of August 8 were approved.
General Reports
Alissa Ewer, ASEC Vice Chair, reported on the recent meeting between ASEC leadership and Chief Human Resources Officer, Patrick Sheehan. They discussed the efforts around childcare resources for employees, considerations for expanding paid parental leave, and professional development opportunities, including supervisory training. It was reported that OHR professional development opportunities on campus have increased by 16%.
Mallory Musolf reported that a call for nominations for the Vice Provost for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer Search and Screen committee went out to academic staff. The deadline for submitting nominations is Tuesday, September 3rd at noon. ASEC will discuss and vote on nominations at the September 5 meeting. Mallory also reported that the secretary of academic staff office received a draft of the campus dining services survey. ASEC will review the survey and provide feedback. As a reminder the survey will go out to employees this fall.
Liaison Reports
Terry Paape reported that the Athletic Board Nominating Committee completed its work.
Nicole Senter reported on the progress of the Ad Hoc Committee on Age in the Workplace.
- September Assembly Agenda
Motion to approve the September Assembly agenda (Barajas). Seconded. Approved.
- Topics for Guests
Provost: Updates on the vice provost for faculty and staff affairs search; Information about RISE-THRIVE (immunology and healthspan); Information about the AI hub
Guests: Haley Rogers, Strategic Initiatives Analyst, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, and Paul Seitz, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration (VCFA)
The VCFA office provided a high-level overview of the Administrative Quality Satisfaction Survey that went out to employees in Spring 2024. The survey response rate was 13.9%. Results indicated increased satisfaction with services in communications, finance, human resources, IT, and general administration. A decrease in service satisfaction was noted in research administration. Survey responses indicated general concerns about staffing levels in Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) as well as the implementation of the Research Administration Management Portal (RAMP). The survey results report is being finalized and a Tableau dashboard will be released at a later date. Comparative analysis focused on units with some form of shared services versus units with no access to shared services is also expected.
Guest: Diana Harvey, Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communication
Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communication, Diana Harvey, and ASEC discussed a forthcoming policy on public statements. Diana also discussed the vision of her office, including the reorganization of the office into three main areas: content strategy, brand strategy, and public affairs and institutional communications. Lastly, impacts of AI in higher education communication offices was highlighted. Peer institutions and UW are thinking about ethical implications in this space.
Guest: Guests: Patrick Sheehan, Chief Human Resources Officer, and Karen Massetti-Moran, Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer
Karen provided an ATP update, including Workday user testing (navigating the system and testing self-service features). Plans are underway to curate short videos highlighting easy ways to utilize the tool. Patrick discussed the position cap on campus and reiterated the importance to comply with provisions outlined in the legislative agreement. The cap provides an opportunity to assess ongoing growth across campus.
Recessed at 3:00 p.m.
Reconvened at 3:10 p.m.
Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to Discuss Nomination to the Athletic Board and Appointments to the Campus Diversity and Climate Committee, Communications Committee, Committee on Disability Access and Inclusion, and Student Panels (Barajas). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to Reconvene in Open Session (Barajas). Seconded. Approved.
- Appointments – for vote
Motion to Nominate Bob Wiedenhoeft to the Athletic Board (Paape). Seconded. Approved
Motion to Appoint Betsy Kacizak to the Campus Diversity and Climate Committee, Aaron Conklin to the Communications Committee, Jamie Utphall to the Committee on Disability Access and Inclusion, and Mackenzie Ryan to Student Panels (Senter). Seconded. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 3:31 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Mallory Musolf, Secretary of the Academic Staff