RAMP Directions for Creating a Funding Proposal (FP)
Directions for creating a new Funding Proposal (FP) in RAMP
RAMP Directions for Creating a Funding Proposal (FP)
Important Information: When creating a Funding Proposal (FP) anything pre-populated do not change
- Under the Grants tab, select Create Funding Proposal on left side of the screen – follow the next steps for creating the FP
A. Enter all information that is required and make the following changes
- Type of application – New
- Enter Short title of Proposal (follow RAMP Naming Conventions document from CALS Research Division) Due Date-PAS-PI Last Name-Abbreviated Sponsor-Short title FP (EXAMPLE: 06302024-PAS-Atucha-USDA-Grape Trial)
- Long title of proposal EXAMPLE: Wine grape cold hardiness trials of Northern WI
- Program director / PI – is your name
- Select Direct Sponsor – if not listed type in “TBD” it will come up with TBD Sponsor not in yet in system
- Enter direct sponsor name
- If you cannot find a sponsor in RAMP, try the search at https://rsp.wisc.edu/awardmgt/sponsorSearch/index.cfm
- Instrument type (select what type of FP – Grant/Contract/Cooperative Agreement/Subaward)
- Primary purpose of this project (select what type of FP – most are Research)
- Start Date of award
- Submission information – description of how the award is to be submitted to sponsor (include email address and other information RSP would need). If there are no indirect costs, please state this here and reference the RFP page number
- Is this a limited submission – typically No
- Is this a pre-proposal – yes or no
B. Personnel
- Program Director / PI – should auto populate with your name.
- If it is a fellowship, select the fellow
- Add biosketch if needed
- Other supporting documents – Current and Pending Document
- Make sure Responsible department is PLNTAGRSCI*PLANT + AGROECOSYST (A074100)
- Add all project personnel (both institutional and non-institutional)
- Add other institutional key, non-key personnel
- Add non-institutional key personnel
- Subaward PD/PIs should also be added here if in RR Budget as key personnel
- Administrative personnel
- Administration contact – Add Emily Barth
- Select team member that have edit rights – Add Martin Lea CALS Research Division
- Select team member that have read-only rights – anyone you would like to have reading rights
C. Submission Information – these should transfer over from the General Information
- Submission type – Grant / Subaward (auto populated)
- Direct sponsor (auto populated)
- Depending on who the direct sponsor – this section will be different
- **if PI is a subaward to another institution then there will not be an option to enter the RFP information**
- Will this application be submitted system-to-system – if yes (NSF is NOT System to System)
- Type of RFP direct sponsor contact information (please attach RFP to this section)
- This will pre-populate with “Brenda Egan”
D. Budget Periods
- Enter Submission deadline
- Date response expected from sponsor – this is not mandatory
- Date project starts (auto populated)
- Date project ends (auto populated)
- Project length can be adjusted below (add period and remove period) and you can select specific number of years/months by update periods
- Modular budget - no
E. Compliance Review - Complete all questions
F. Additional Proposal Information
- Will there be program income – no
- Select resources required for this proposal
- Will any research cores or center be used for this proposal - no
SAVE and Finish Record
*Any time you are wondering where things are at with the funding proposal, click on the history tab*