L&S Cost Grid

The Cost Grid is meant to be used by L&S financial staff as a place to find information related to expense types, typically for transactions relating to expense reimbursements or p-card transactions. Use this guide to ensure policies are followed and that explanations for and attachments to transactions are consistently treated throughout all Teams.

Please share the L&S Travel Quick Guide with any person traveling on behalf of the UW and the L&S P-card Quick Guide for all who have a P-card.

General Guidance

Methods for Payments

The Business Services Paying a Vendor or Individual has more complete guidelines on the different methods to make payments at the UW, but a summary is below.

Expense Reimbursements

Procurement Cards or Department Cards

  • P-cardholders may make allowable purchases for themselves and for others, but may not share their card details for others.
  • Department Cards may be used by multiple people within a Department.  They are issued to a single person within a Department and that person is responsible for the proper usage by others.  
  • L&S P-card Quick Guide indicates what is and what is not allowable on a P-card or Department Card.
  • Business Services Purchasing Card page

Corporate Cards

  • An individual liability card issued to an employee for UW business use only.  Employees still need to submit expense reports for payment to US Bank.  
  • Business Services My Corporate Card page


  • This method is used for items over $5,000 or when tracking is needed for multiple payments throughout a fiscal year, such as a blanket or Continuing Order Requisition (COR)
  • Business Services Requisition Process page

Direct Payment/Invoice

  • This method is used to pay invoices that are under $5,000 not related to a PO.

Payment to Individual (PIR)

Business Purpose

Business Purpose: When using university funds or requesting a reimbursement from university funds, documentation of a clear business purpose is required so an approver, auditor, site manager, post-payment auditor, legislator, taxpayer or news outlet may reasonably conclude and agree the expenditure is an appropriate business expense. The business purpose, which is defined as one that supports or advances the goals, objectives, and mission of the university, adequately describes the expense as a necessary, reasonable, and appropriate business expense for the university. All expense reimbursements must include a university business purpose.

The description should include who, what, where, when and why.  The "why" should include how the purchase supports the funding source or program benefiting from the purchase.

GuidanceL&S, UW-3024

What is a Receipt

An original receipt is a written acknowledgment that the vendor has been paid for providing goods or services.  To be considered original it must show:

  • The name & address of the vendor providing the goods or services
  • The date that the specific services were received or items were purchased
  • Itemization of the services and/or goods and pricing
  • Final amount due and evidence that it was paid
  • Credit card receipts that do not show what was being purchased are not acceptable.

Guidance: UW System Receipt Requirements

Accountable Plan

Entities must have an Accountable Plan to be in compliance with IRS regulations.  

  • Travel costs must be submitted in SFS within 90 days after the end of a trip, or 90 days after purchase for non-travel expenses.  If submitted after this timeframe, the expenses will almost always become taxable income for the individual being reimbursed.
  • Students who are not also UW employees are exempt from the 90 day requirement.  Students who are also UW employees are subject to the 90 day requirement.
  • Non-employee, non-UW student requests submitted after 90 days must be submitted as a Payment to Individual Report (PIR) and charged to 2620.

Guidance: UW-3024 Expense Reimbursement, Procedure 3024.7 Process Expense Report Not in Compliance with Accountable Plan

Student Travel

There are some specific guidelines to ease travel for students and also mitigate risk for the UW.

  • Follow Student Payment Guidelines
  • Clery Act guidance if applicable, address of lodging must be listed in the expense line notes, see UW Procedure 3024.1, #14 
  • Employees may claim travel-related expenses for students where it would be inappropriate to request students to pay for their own travel expenses. Meals reimbursed under this exception are reimbursed as business meals, not individual meal per diems.
  • Efforts should still be made to direct pay for student expenses using purchase cards or other direct methods of payment.

Stipend in Lieu of Travel Reimbursement

Sometimes giving a lump sum travel amount for a guest to make their own travel arrangements is easier for all than arranging and staying within UW travel policies.  An example of when this may be used is for student campus visits.

  • No Services are being provided.
  • Paid through a PIR and coded to Account 3750.  
  • Unlike direct reimbursement or payment of travel expenses, stipends are tax reportable to the recipient.
  • The amount may not cover the entire amount, but the department must be able to justify the amounts given.  For example, we wouldn't expect a student from Lodi being awarded the same amount as a student coming from a coast or abroad.  Perhaps the amounts are in 1-3 categories, e.g., within a certain mileage, continental US outside of that mileage, and abroad.

Cash Advances

Travelers may request a cash advance if no other payment options are available or practical.

Guidance: UW-3025 Cash Advances, 3025.1 Obtain and Reconcile Cash Advance, 3025.2 Approve and Reconcile Cash Advance

Claiming Own Expenses

Employees may not claim travel-related expenses for other travelers. Exceptions:

  • Shared lodging expenses
  • Shared transportation expenses
  • Student travel where it would be inappropriate to request students to pay for their own travel expenses. Meals reimbursed under this exception are reimbursed as business meals, not individual meal per diems.
  • Name of included travelers must be included in the documentation.

Guidance: UW-3024 Expense Reimbursement (Section IV) 

Sales Tax


  • The UW is exempt from Wisconsin state sales tax (purchases made and/or consumed in Wisconsin). Efforts must be made with every purchase to remove Wisconsin state sales tax.

Other States

  • The UW is not exempt from sales tax for purchases completed in other states. Hosted meals, events, lodging, or other purchases made while in another state will not be exempt unless they fall under a reciprocity agreement. Each state allows for different exemptions so be careful. Purchases must be made directly from the UW or using a card where the name of the UW appears on it to be eligible. Removing sales tax from other states is not part of the audit. For larger purchases departments may advise faculty and staff of those reciprocity agreements.

Sales Tax Immateriality

  • Clarification reminder that the UW has a guidance to allow the reimbursement of sales tax paid in error.  Repeatedly paying sales tax when it should have been removed does not denote an error. 
  • If sales tax under $25 is paid in error it is considered immaterial and should be documented as paid in error.
  • If sales tax is over $25 there must be an attempt to have the vendor reverse the sales tax. If the vendor does not agree documentation indicating steps were taken by staff to reverse the charge should be included with the transaction.

Guidance: UW-3033 Tax Exemption, Sales Tax with Meals, Reciprocity Agreement

Travel Itinerary

A travel itinerary should be included for each day.  The format of that will vary depending on the type of trip.  For conferences, the conference agenda will typically provide all needed information.  

Guidance: L&S Financial Documents Descriptions & Business Purpose



Review Attachments
  • Purchased from Concur or Fox World Travel. (unless international purchased in-country) 
  • Timeframe reasonable and within policy 
  • Receipt amount correct 
  • Airfare is allowable for reimbursement prior to travel  
  • One-way flights are allowable if most cost effective and efficient.  Also allowed for long trips where return flight dates aren’t available. 
  • Coding is valid and has funding available
  • No personal credits, vouchers or gift cards being reimbursed. 
  • Associated fees such as baggage, seat upgrades to asile, window, or exit row, and booking fees are allowable. For Baggage the first piece of bags is reimbursable, additional bags beyond the first and any overweight or oversized bages may be reimbursable with a business justification. Aisle/Window/Exit Row Fees are allowable as long as the fare class remains coach/economy. Receipt required for baggage costs over $30
  • Fare class upgrades for international flights of eight hours or more of total flight time (total flight time includes domestic segments) are allowable to Premium Economy class only.
  • Hawaii and Alaska are not considered international.
  • Itemized receipt (Fox World Travel Invoice) 
  • Itinerary/conference agenda /flyer/program  Do not provide a link, attach the document 
  • Cost comparison, if indirect routing/extra stops (non-business) or non-local airport used for departure/return. 
  • Cost comparison must be obtained at the time of booking and must include a date stamp.

Business Purpose: What was the purpose of the trip?  What were the dates of the trip? What was the specific benefit to the UW gained from this trip? 

GuidanceL&S Airfare, UW-3016-Air Travel , Booking a Flight, Baggage, Travel Receipt Requirements, Cost Comparison Guidance


Review Attachments
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 
  • Only applicable for rental car used for UW business. If not a rental car, mileage must be claimed instead of gas.
  • Itemized receipt for gas
  • Itemized receipt for rental car

Business Purpose: What was the purpose of the trip?  What were the dates of the trip?   

Guidance: Using a vehicle for business travel 


Review Attachments
  • Purchased from Concur, Fox World Travel, directly with hotel or with Airbnb
  • Timeframe reasonable and within policy 
  • Receipt amount correct 
  • Lodging rate within limit of city’s per diem 
  • Name on the receipt matches traveler.  If not, need names and affiliation of those staying in the room or an explanation. 
  • Other fees separated out in its own expense line, such as parking or internet. 
  • Extra charges (food, room service, upgrades, etc.) removed from total being claimed   
  • No third-party booking except AirBnb, which is allowable. No Expedia, Travelocity, hotels.com, kayak, etc.  No VRBO. 
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 
  • Average of all business days within maximum is allowable   
  • Lodging per diems may be exceeded if the hotel is a conference hotel as recommended by the conference organizer on their website or brochure.  Note in the comments that the rate is being exceeded because of the conference hotel exception, as well as attaching documentation. 
  • Per the Clery Act, any lodging with students must use the student lodging expense type, even if lodging is share with faculty or staff.  The lodging address must be in the description field.  
  • If lodging is needed for more than 30 days, pre-approval from L&S Director of Business Services (Michele Gundrum) is required.
  • Prepayment is allowed (when required by lodging facility) prior to travel.
  • Itemized receipt with zero balance 
  • Itinerary/conference agenda 
  • Conference brochure or website printout with proof of conference hotel, if applicable 
  • If more than 30 days, documentation of pre-approval

Business Purpose: What was the purpose of the trip?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 

GuidanceReserving Lodging, UW-3017 Lodging;  

Meals - Travel - Per Diem

Meals- Travel - Per Diem
Review Attachments
  • Timeframe reasonable and within policy 
  • Meal per diem must be reduced for first/last day of travel 
  • Provided meals are deducted 
  • Coding is valid and has funding available  
  • Day trip meal allowance is used for non-overnight trips. This should not be confused with business meal policy UW-3039
  • Itinerary/conference agenda to show business days and meals provided 
  • Flight itinerary to show dates of travel 

Business Purpose:  What was the purpose of the travel?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 

GuidanceUW-3018 Meals and Incidentals UW-3039


Review Attachments
  • Authorized Driver, if UW employee, including students who are also employees and volunteers on behalf of the UW. 
  • Personal vehicle used 
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 
  • Commuting mileage from home to work is non-reimbursable.
  • Cost comparison including mileage, parking, tolls needed for roundtrips of 1,000 miles or more.
  • Tolls are allowable for reimbursement while on UW business.
  • Google map printout with to and from addresses (PDF, not html)
  •  If over 1,000 miles round trip, comparison showing it was most cost-effective option. If not most cost effective reimbursement reduced to maximum of 1,000 miles.
  • Add agenda/itinerary, if applicable.  

Business Purpose:  What was the purpose of trip?  What is the UW Benefit?   

GuidanceUsing a vehicle for UW business travel, Driver Authorization instructions, Policy UW-3019 Vehicle Use/Rental  


Review Attachments
  • Timeframe reasonable 
  • Receipt amount correct, needed if over $25 or on p-card
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 
  • Authorized Driver, if UW employee, including students who are also employees and faculty and staff.
  • If parking is the only expense being claimed (no rental or mileage), then do not need to be authorized driver. 
  • Itemized Receipt if over $25 or on p-card
  • Add agenda/itinerary, if applicable.

Business Purpose:  What was the purpose of trip?  What is the UW Benefit?   

GuidanceUsing a Vehicle for UW business travel, Policy UW-3019 Vehicle Use/Rental, Driver Authorization instructions, 

Relocation and Moving Expenses Stipend

Review Attachments
  • Stipend made no more than 30 days in advance of the employee’s actual relocation date. 
  • Additional expense line for 30% tax withholding reduction. 
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 
  • Offer letter showing amount of award of stipend. 

Business Purpose:  What was the date of the move?  Where is the employee moving from? 

GuidanceUW-3079 Relocation, 3079.1 Processing a Relocation Stipend, L&S Relocation/Moving Stipend KB Page 

Rental Cars

Rental Cars
Review Attachments
  • No refueling fees from vendor on receipt
  • No add-ons on receipt (GPS, satellite radio or roadside assistance, etc.) 
  • Itemized Receipt (not estimated costs) 
  • Add agenda/itinerary if applicable.

Business Purpose: What was the purpose of the travel?  What business activities did having a rental car facilitate? How was the rental car the most cost-effective method of transportation?  Why was a rental car needed (rather than using public transport or uber)?  

GuidanceUsing a Vehicle for UW business travel, Policy UW-3019 Vehicle Use/Rental, Driver Authorization instructions, 

Student Travel

Student Travel
Review Attachments
  • Timeframe reasonable and within policy 
  • Receipt amount correct 
  • Follows Student Payment Guidelines 
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 
  • Clery Act guidance if applicable, including address, see UW Procedure 3024.1, #14 
  • Employees may claim travel-related expenses for students where it would be inappropriate to request students to pay for their own travel expenses. Meals reimbursed under this exception are reimbursed as business meals, not individual meal per diems. Efforts should still be made to direct pay for student expenses using Purchase Cards or other direct methods of payment.
  • Itemized receipt 
  • Itinerary/conference agenda 

Business Purpose:  Is this a research payment, UW Business or personal enrichment?  Where What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 

GuidanceStudent Payment Guide, Payments to Students, UWPD Clery Act, Payroll and Travel Policy Updates, UW-3024

Transportation, Local – Taxi/Uber/Bus/Rail/Subway

Transportation, Local
Review Attachments
  • Timeframe reasonable and within policy 
  • Receipt amount correct, needed if over $25 or on a p-card
  • Each ride has its own expense line. 
  • Note pick up and drop off point in expense line comment
  • Standard fare only (not Uber Comfort/Black, or Lyft Extra Comfort) 
  • Tip amount not greater than 20% 
  • Coding is valid and has funding available  
  • Lowest cost reasonable method of transport 
  • Reservation Fee allowed.  Business justification needed for wait time, priority pick-up, etc. 
  • If extra stops, business justification needed 
  • Uber Cash is not allowable, no personal credits, vouchers or gift cards can be reimbursed.
  • Itemized receipt if over $25 or on a p-card.
  • Add agenda/itinerary if applicable.

Business Purpose: Where was the transportation to and from?  What was the purpose of the transport? 

Guidance: Traveling - Once you’re there, Local-Distance Ground and Local Transportation UW-3020 

Transportation, Ground Long-Distance - City to City Bus/Train

Transportation, Ground Long-Distance
Review Attachments
  • Timeframe reasonable and within policy
  • Receipt amount correct
  • Receipt always required, regardless of amount 
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 
  • Can be booked with train provider directly or by calling Fox World Travel 
  • Itemized receipt 
  • Comparison showing it was most cost-effective option if over 1,000 miles round trip. 
  • Add agenda/itinerary if applicable.

Business Purpose: Where was the transportation to and from?  What was the purpose of the transport? 

Guidance: Travel Planning and Booking, Local-Distance Ground and Local Transportation UW-3020,

International Travel General Info


  • Effective January 1, 2022, enrollment in CISI International Travel Accident, Sickness, and Security Assistance Insurance coverage is required for all University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty, staff employees and appointed volunteers when traveling internationally or to any U.S. territory* for the purposes of engaging in University-related academic, research, business or sponsored Program activities. (*Travel to a U.S. territory includes travel to Puerto Rico, S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and Northern Mariana Islands.)
  • If employee is enrolled in a HDHP (High Deductible Health Plan) traveler should contact OHR Benefits Services
  • When claiming for reimbursement documentation showing business days must be provided. (Agenda/Itinerary)
  • Prepayment is allowed.
  • While CISI insurance is required, travelers who do not obtain it may still receive expense reimbursement for their trip. 

Additional Info: CISI International Travel Insurance Program, UW-3022

In-Country Flight

There are a few exceptions that allow tickets to be purchased outside of Concur or Fox World Travel.

  • Some remote international carriers must be purchased in-country. If purchasing airfare abroad, the origin and destination must both be international locations. Flights purchased under this exception may be booked directly with the airline.
  • Though rare, some international airline tickets cannot be purchased by the designated travel management company or are available at significantly higher rates.  Documentation (such as an email) from the contracted managed travel company stating they can’t purchase the requested itinerary is required.  Flights purchased under this exception may be booked directly with the airline.

Guidance: UW-3016 Air Travel 

International Phone

  • International business communication expenses, such as international calling or data plans, are payable/reimbursable when accompanied by business justification. Note: Individual phone calls are part of the M&IE per diem allowance. 
  • For the purchase and use of a phone for University use contact DoIT.



Review Attachments
  • For business use while on travel, not personal use.  Personal use internet is part of per meal diem. 
  • Receipt amount correct 
  • Receipt always required, regardless of amount 
  • Coding is valid and has funding available  
  • Itemized receipt

Business Purpose: The business reason internet was needed.  What was the specific benefit to the UW gained from this purchase? 

GuidanceUW-3024 Expense Reimbursement 


  • Visa and Passport fees are payable/reimbursable by the university when required for university business travel. For information about obtaining travel visas and passports for university business, see the UW TravelWIse Passport Services webpage.
  • Prepayment is allowed.

Guidance: UW-3022 International Travel, Business Services Traveling to a Foreign Country



Review Attachments
  • Timeframe reasonable and within policy 
  • Receipt amount correct 
  • Alcohol must be accompanied with proof of food
  • Alcohol included with meal receipts must clearly identify alcohol, such as an “A” next to the items that are alcohol, highlight the alcohol or otherwise note it. 
  • Business Meal Calculator is attached and the Foundation funding split is correct 
  • There should be one expense type, hosted meal, then separate funding lines. Funding line 1 for meals within limits, funding line 2 for meal overages and funding line 3 for alcohol.
  • Coding is valid and has funding available   
  • An alcohol permit was obtained, if required 
  • Itemized receipt clearly indicating alcoholic beverages 
  • Attendee list 
  • Receipt indicating food was also purchased

Business Purpose: What was the purpose of the meal or event where alcohol was served?  What was the specific benefit to the UW gained from this purchase? 

Guidance: L&S ALcohol, UW-6003 UW-Madison Alcohol, 3024.8 Foundation funding e-Re 


Review Attachments
  • Timeframe reasonable and within policy  
  • Receipt amount correct 
  • Within limits.  
  • Coding is valid and has funding available    
  • If Foundation funding used, there should be one expense type, hosted meal, then separate funding lines. Funding line 1 for meals within limits, funding line 2 for meal overages and funding line 3 for alcohol.  
  • If not UW catering and on campus, evidence they contacted the Union and Housing. 
  • Prepayment is allowed with approval from purchasing services.
  • Itemized receipt 
  • Attendee list 

Business Purpose: What was the purpose of the meal or event?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from this meal or event?  If Union or Housing not used on campus, justification for why not. 

GuidanceUW-2045 Catering, UW-3049 Catering – On and Off Campus, Planning a UW Event, L&S Risk Management on Catering 

Meals - Hosted, Group

Meals - Hosted, Group
Review Attachments
  • Timeframe reasonable and within policy 
  • Receipt amount correct
  • Meal amounts and splits to funding are appropriate based on the type of meal (official function, hosted meal or business meal, see meal matrix
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 
  • There should be one expense type, hosted meal, then separate funding lines. Funding line 1 for meals within limits, funding line 2 for meal overages and funding line 3 for alcohol.  
  • Service Fees or Administrative Fees do not count towards meal maximum.  Use travel-miscellaneous (2870) or nontaxable service fee (2623) 
  • Alcohol charges should be noted on receipt 
  • Itemized Receipt 
  • Itinerary/ agenda 
  • Attendee list
  • Meal calculator required if using Foundation funding. 
  • Official function form, if applicable 

Business Purpose:  What was the purpose of the hosted meal?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 

GuidanceUW-3039 Business Meals, Business Meals campus page, Business Meal Calculator, UW Sys 435 HQ City and UW Sponsored Events, Meal Matrix 

Meeting Space

Meeting Space
Review Attachments
  • Receipt amount correct 
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 
  • Prepayment is allowed with approval from purchasing services.
  • Itemized receipt 
  • Flyer/Agenda if applicable

Business Purpose:  What was the purpose of the space rental?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase?  

GuidancePlanning a UW Event 


Conference Registration

Conference Registration
Review Attachments
  • Receipt amount correct 
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 
  • Does registration cost include meals?  If so, deduct from per diem. 
  • Registration is allowable for reimbursement prior to travel 
  • Prepayment is allowed.
  • Itemized receipt which includes a breakdown of the conference fees. 
  • Conference Agenda. Do not provide a link, attach the document. 

Business Purpose: The name and purpose of the conference.  What was the specific benefit to the UW gained from attendance at this conference? 

GuidancePaying Event Registration Fees and UW-3021 Registration Fees 

Training and Coursework - Career Related Course

Training and Coursework - Career Related
Review Attachments
  • Receipt amount correct
  • Employee at the time of completion of coursework or training 
  • Not required as part of job  
  • Coding is valid and has funding available  
  • Successful completion with a grade of C or higher 
  • Prepayment is allowed.
  • Itemized receipt that shows tuition and fees amount 
  • Approved Reimbursement Request for Career-Related Coursework and Training Form attached. 

Business Purpose:  Who is it for?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 

GuidanceEmployee Coursework and Training Assistance Procedures, L&S KB Guidance,

Training and Coursework - Job Related Courses

Training and Coursework - Job Related
Review Attachments
  • Receipt amount correct
  • Required as part of job. 
  • Fees paid by the department.
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 
  • UW-Madison course - Internal Third Party Authorization form
  • Other UW colleges - interunit journal
  • External requisition most likely
  • Prepayment is allowed
  • Itemized receipt
  • Documentation showing this is job-related courses, if college course.

Business Purpose:  Who is it for?  Course name.  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 

GuidanceEmployee Coursework and Training Assistance Procedures, L&S KB Guidance 


Materials - Non-Consumable (Books and Periodicals)

Materials - Non-consumable
Review Attachments
  • Receipt amount correct 
  • Ship to is appropriate, campus address preferred.  If not campus address, justification is required. 
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 
  • Electronic versions downloaded to UW owned device 
  • The "Ship to" address should be a campus address. If the purchase must be shipped off campus (shipping to remote work location) the purchaser must provide a reasonable justification in the supporting documentation.
  • Itemized receipt 
  • List of recipients 

Business Purpose: How will the items be used? What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 


Protective Footgear/Shoes

Protective footgear/shoes
Review Attachments
  • Staff is required to wear protective shoes for job.
  • No more than $160 every three years
  • Receipt amount correct   
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 
  • Itemized receipt

Business Purpose: Who was the footwear puchased for? Why is it needed to complete job requirements?


Review Attachments
  • Rental made from UW Bookstore 
  • Rental only no purchase
  • Receipt amount correct 
  • Coding is valid and has funding available 

    • Itemized receipt

    Business Purpose:  What event was the regalia rented for?  Who was the regalia rented for? 

    GuidanceUW-3026 Non-Payable/Non-Reimbursable Exp 

    Supplies - Consumable (Office Supplies, Lab Supplies, etc.)

    Supplies - consumable
    Review Attachments
    • Purchased through Shop@UW 
    • Receipt amount correct 
    • Coding is valid and has funding available 
    • Purchased on mandatory contract, if applicable 
    • The "Ship to" address should be a campus address. If the purchase must be shipped off campus (shipping to remote work location) the purchaser must provide a reasonable justification in the supporting documentation.
    • Itemized receipt

    Business Purpose:  What is being purchased?  Who will use it?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 


    Computer Hardware

    Computer Hardware
    Review Attachments
    • Receipt amount correct 
    • Coding is valid and has funding available 
    • If purchase not made in ShopUW+, is justification included? 
    • Itemized receipt

    Business Purpose: What will the items be used for?  If items for specific people or rooms, list them. 

    GuidanceTech Purchasing Guide 

    Equipment - (Lab, Classroom)

    Review Attachments
    • Purchase made on ShopUW+.  If not, justification. 
    • Receipt amount correct 
    • Coding is valid and has funding available 
    • Itemized receipt

    Business Purpose: What is the purpose of the equipment?  Where will the equipment be used?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 

    GuidanceCapital Equipment, How to buy a product 

    Furniture - Office (Furniture typically found in office setting regardless of location of use)

    Furniture - Office
    Review Attachments
    • Mandatory contract followed. 
    • Receipt amount correct
    • Coding is valid and has funding available  
    • If SWAP or refurbished furniture contract, then don’t need to check with BCE 
    • Sofa/couch, loveseat, recliners, etc. are not allowed in private offices.  Only common spaces. 
    • Department chairs are the only staff permitted to buy couches/sofas
    • Itemized receipt 
    • If BCE/BSI not used, documentation showing the request, response or waiver. 

    Business Purpose: What is the purpose and benefit of the furniture?  Where will the furniture be used? 

    GuidanceL&S Furniture and  UW-3043 Exceptions/Approvals/Special Handling #9 

    Furniture - Non-office (Furniture NOT typically found in office setting)

    Furniture - non-office
    Review Attachments
    • Receipt amount correct 
    • Coding is valid and has funding available 
    • Depending on item, was contract used? 
    • Sofa/couch, loveseat, recliners, etc. are not allowed in private offices.  Only common spaces. 
    • Department chairs are the only staff permitted to buy couches/sofas
    • Itemized receipt

    Business Purpose: What is the purpose and benefit of the furniture?  Where will the furniture be used? 

    GuidanceL&S Furniture 

    Other Expenses


    Review Attachments
    • Receipt amount correct 
    • Coding is valid and has funding available 
    • Itemized receipt

    Business Purpose: What was the purpose of the advertising?  What was the specific benefit to the UW from this service? 

    GuidanceHow to buy a service – Division of Business Services – UW–Madison (wisc.edu) 

    Digital Media, e-books or Streaming Video/Movies

    Digital Media, e-books or streaming videos/movies
    Review Attachments
    • Check to make sure they checked with the Library System that it isn’t available for use.
    • Receipt amount correct 
    • Coding is valid and has funding available 
    • Itemized receipt

    Business Purpose: What was the purpose of the purchase?  Who will utilize the purchase?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 

    Gift Cards

    Gift Cards
    Review Attachments
    • Paid on p-card 
    • Not given to Nonresident Aliens (NRA) 
    • Not solely open to UW students (see Student Payment Guide for handling) 
    • Receipt amount correct 
    • Coding is valid and has funding available  
    • Itemized receipt 

    Business Purpose:  Paraphrase the explanation of purchase from the Gift Card Approval Form. 

    GuidanceUW-3027 Gift Cards 


    Review Attachments
    • For business use while on travel, not personal use.  Personal use internet is part of per meal diem. 
    • Receipt amount correct 
    • Receipt always required, regardless of amount 
    • Coding is valid and has funding available 
    • Itemized receipt

    Business Purpose: The business reason internet was needed.  What was the specific benefit to the UW gained from this purchase? 

    GuidanceUW-3024 Expense Reimbursement 


    Review Attachments
    • Purchased using campus information and email 
    • No institutional or organizational membership was available.
    • For one year 
    • Receipt shows dates of membership
    • Receipt amount correct 
    • Coding is valid and has funding available 
    • Initial membership payments on DP, requisition or e-Reimbursement.  Renewals also allowed on p-card. 
    • Itemized receipt

    Business Purpose:  Who is the membership for?  Why is the membership needed?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase?  

    GuidancePolicy 328 Memberships 


    Review Attachments
    • Receipt amount correct 
    • Coding is valid and has funding available 
    • Itemized receipt

    Business Purpose:  What is being mailed or shipped?  Who are the recipients?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 

    Prizes and Awards

    Prizes and Awards
    Review Attachments
    • Meets policy for amount and type of purchase per person.
    • Receipt amount correct 
    • Coding is valid and has funding available 
    • Itemized Receipt 
    • List of recipients 

    Business Purpose:  What is the prize or award for?  Who will the purchase be given to?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 

    GuidanceUW Sys Policy 330 

    Software/Software Subscriptions

    Software/software subscriptions
    Review Attachments
    • Timeframe reasonable and within policy 
    • Must use campus contact information 
    • Vetted by cybersecurity
    • Receipt amount correct 
    • Coding is valid and has funding available 
    • Software/software subscriptions should be in the name of the Department if possible.  All contact information must be University information.  University funds should be used to directly pay for the software/software subscriptions, such as a purchasing card, department card, requisition or direct payment.  It is not advised that software/software subscriptions be purchased by an individual and put through e-Reimbursement to be reimbursed, however that is an option if paying using a University method is not an option. 
    • Itemized receipt 

    Business Purpose:  What subscription is being purchased?  Who will be using the subscription?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 

    GuidanceL&S App/Software Cloud/Web Service Purchasing Guidelines, Website Development and Hosting Fees - L&S 

    Subscriptions (Non-software)

    Subscriptions (non-software)
    Review Attachments
    • Timeframe reasonable and within policy 
    • Receipt amount correct 
    • Purchased using campus information and email 
    • Coding is valid and has funding available  
    • New Subscriptions on DP or Requisition 
    • New or Renewals on DP, requisition, p-card 
    • Itemized receipt

    Business Purpose:  What subscription is being purchased?  Who will be using the subscription?  What was specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase? 

    Guidance: UW-3041 New or Renewal Subscriptions, L&S Membership/Subscription Guidelines 


    Review Attachments
    • Must be ordered through Digital Printing & Publishing Services (DP&PS, formerly DoIT Printing). This applies to all printing jobs, including quick copy/duplicating and photocopying.
    • Printing must be competitively bid for any purchase over $49.99.
    • Itemized receipt

    Business Purpose: What is the purpose of items printed? What was the specific benefit to the UW gained from the purchase?

    Guidance: UW-3044, How to Purchase a Printing or Copying Job


    Cost Grid, expense report requirements, travel, supplies, p-card, flight, airfare, lodging, sofa, couch, receipt, itinerary 
    Doc ID:
    Owned by:
    Nate L. in L&S KB
    L&S KB