Quick Response Manufacturing - MCT Mapping Tool

MCT (Manufacturing Critical-path Time) Mapping Tool

Created by the QRM Center In partnership with industry, the QRM Center has developed Manufacturing Critical-path Time (MCT), a precise QRM metric for lead time designed to capture how order processing, manufacturing, raw material procurement and shipping are linked while fulfilling customer orders. Our Microsoft Excel-based tool provides QRM practicioners a quick and simple way to measure MCT, create MCT maps, and discover improvement opportunities. In using the tool, please consider that we have limited resources at the Center and currently only provide support to QRM Center members who may contact us with questions.

This tool is only compatible with the English language version of Microsoft Excel

MCT Tool Tutorial

MCT Tool Example

MCT Tool Blank

Manufacturing Critical-path Time 
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Jim R. in Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
College of Engineering - Online Learning Resources, Interdisciplinary Professional Programs