Admin Tools - Add or edit rooms in system list

A guide on how to add or edit rooms in the IPT system list. You must be an IPT administrator to do this.

In this guide

Add a room

  1. Select “Admin Tools” from the IPT navigation menu on the left. 

  2. On the Admin Tools landing page, select “Manage Group.”
    Admin Tools page with "Manage Group" link highlighted in red

  3. Scroll down to the fifth table on the page, which lists all the rooms that are currently entered in the IPT system. If you are using a new instance of IPT, this table will be blank.
    Manage Group page with Rooms table shown in full

  4. To add a new room, go to the final row of the table. You can either add a room from the campus room list (dropdown field, bottom), or enter a custom room name (text entry field, top). 
    Manage Group page, Rooms table, with final row of table shown. Two fields are highlighted in red in first column - one is a text entry field, one is a dropdown

    1. To add a room from the campus room list, use the dropdown box to view all rooms and select the room you want to add. 

    2. If the room you want to add is not in the campus room dropdown list, enter your custom room name in the blank text field.

  5. Ensure the checkbox in the “Show in Lists” column is selected. Then, select “Add” on the right to save the room to the IPT room list.
    Manage Group page, Rooms table, with final row shown. "Show in Lists" checkbox is selected in third column, and "Add" button is highlighted in red on the right

Custom Code

If you’ve added a custom room name, it will not be associated with a SIS room code like the rooms in the dropdown list are. 

Upon adding a custom room name, use the blank text field in the second column, “Custom Code,” to enter what the SIS code should be. 

Manage Group page, Rooms table, with a full row shown. The Custom Code field in the second column reads "Online"

Using custom room names and codes can be helpful when planning courses that are not traditional, in-person classes on campus. For example, you may enter a custom room name and code for off campus classes and online classes.

Match Any SIS Room

The fourth column in the table, “Match Any SIS Room,” enables you to indicate when an IPT room code should be considered the same as any SIS room code when you run an IPT audit report. 

For example, if you create a custom room name for general assignment (GA) requests, the custom code in IPT should be “0000 GA RM.” However, once the Office of the Registrar assigns a room code in SIS, there will be a discrepancy between the IPT room code and the SIS room code if you run an audit report in IPT. 

To avoid these discrepancies being flagged unnecessarily in your IPT audit report, select the “Match Any SIS Room” checkbox. Then, select “Update” on the right to save your changes.

Manage Group page, Rooms table, with a full row shown. The "Match Any SIS Room" checkbox is selected in the fourth column

Color coding for Timetable Planning

If you’d like certain rooms to be color-coded in Timetable Planning, you can do so by choosing a room color in the fifth column, “Show Color/Color.”

Using a room color will highlight all courses that are assigned to a certain room in the timetable grid (calendar) view, as shown in the following screenshot. This color-coding is specific to the Timetable Planning page and will not show up anywhere else in the IPT application.

Timetable Planning page with one course card shown. The room "Test" is listed as the location, and the text is highlighted in teal

To choose your highlight color:

  1. Select the line color button directly to the right of the checkbox. This will open a color picker dialog box where you can select your color using the eyedropper tool or enter an RGB color value.
    Manage Group page, Rooms table, with line color button highlighted in red
    Manage Group page, Rooms table, with color picker tool dialog open and the color teal chosen
  2. To finalize your tag color selection, select the checkbox in the “Show Color/Color” column. Then, select “Add” or “Update” on the right. 
    Manage Group page, Rooms table, with "Show Color" checkbox selected and "Add" button on right highlighted in red

Note: If you select the “Show Color” checkbox but do not choose a highlight color, the default color is black. Dark highlight colors are not recommended because they will make it difficult to see the room name on the Timetable Planning page.

Need more help?

For more information on what you can do as an IPT administrator, refer to Admin Tools - Overview

For help with assigning a room to a course, refer to Course page - Assign location (room) and time or Timetable Planning - Set course location (room) and time.

ipt, instructional planning tool, admin tools, administrator, department admin, manage group, room, rooms, add room, add rooms, edit room, edit rooms, assign room, room assignment, check room assignments, change room assignment, change room, course location, course room, course meets, online, add location 
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Daniella P. in Instructional Planning Tool Reference
Instructional Planning Tool Reference