Funding Sources

This document describes the numbers used to identify the funding sources for campus funds to Russell Labs.


  • Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Forest & Wildlife faculty and staff; Hub staff


Every university expenditure is tied to a funding string made up of these components:

Funding String Illustration

Explanation of the Funding String
Name Digits Number or
Account Code Four Number Categorizes the nature of the transaction; e.g. lab supplies
Fund Three Number Funding source, AKA where the money is coming from
Project Various formats over the years,
currently seven
Alphanumeric Used to capture all the transactions associated with a specific grant, contract, or activity
Department Six Alphanumeric College and department under which the spending takes place
Program One Number The purpose or mission of the transaction; e.g. instruction versus outreach

Learn more about the components of a funding string here.

CALS/Russell Labs Funding Sources

Funds and Descriptions
Fund Description
101 State tax, Federal indirect cost, and tuition funding allocated for the purpose of education and related programs
104 Funding from UW-Extension used for off campus credit and non-credit activities
133 Non-Federal grants and contracts
135 University Grants, often from Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF)
136 Cost recovery outreach funding mechanism, program revenue, fee for services
142 Federal formula funding, often know as Hatch Adams or McIntire-Stennis, Land Grant Research
144 Federal grants and contract funding
145 Federal student work study
150 Federal indirect cost reimbursement used for special allocations
161 University administered trust funds
233 Gift funding originating from the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association


  • UW System Chart of Accounts page. Follow links to current year Appropriation Structure.


Contact the Financial Services Manager with questions about funding source codes.


russell lab hub administration, financial fund sources, fund numbers, account numbers 
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Owned by:
Elyce R. in Russell Labs Hub
Russell Labs Hub