Faculty Senate Minutes 2015-02-02

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document approved March 3, 2015

February 2, 2015

Audio recording.mp3

Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m. with 144 voting members present (110 needed for quorum).

1. Memorial Resolutions were offered for:

    Professor Emeritus Henry C. Hart. faculty document 2529
    Professor Emeritus Herbert J. Klausmeier. faculty document 2530

    Professor Emeritus John T. Murdock. faculty document 2531

    Professor Emeritus Robert Schilling. faculty document 2532

    Professor Emeritus Hans Schneider.
    faculty document 2533
    Professor Emeritus Geshe Sopa. faculty document 2534

    Professor Emeritus John Tataronis. faculty document 2535

      2. Announcements/Informational Items.

      Chancellor Blank provided a brief update on what is expected in the governor's forthcoming budget proposal.
      Chancellor Blank announced upcoming forums on the budget and Professor Jo Ellen Fair provided additional information.
      Prof. Fair called attention to two handouts distributed at the door: a legislative update from PROFS and a draft faculty resolution on the budget.
      Prof. Fair and the Secretary of the Faculty announced the creation of a Senate Box for informational documents related to Senate business.
      Chancellor Blank introduced Associate Vice Chancellor for Government and Corporate Affairs Charles Hoslet.

      3. Question Period.

      There were several questions.
      Chancellor Blank asked consent to add a resolution on the biennial budget to the agenda (see following). The motion passed without objection.
      Draft motion submitted by the University Committee to the UW-Madison Faculty Senate as an addition to the agenda for the February 2, 2015, meeting in response to announced cuts in the governor’s budget proposal 

      The UW-Madison faculty is dedicated to serving the people of Wisconsin and the nation through teaching, research, and outreach. In keeping with the mission and ideals of public higher education, we reaffirm our continuing commitment to providing access to a high-quality education for all Wisconsin residents irrespective of financial means, to advancing the state of human knowledge, and to promoting economic growth and the competitiveness of Wisconsin's industries and businesses. We believe that Wisconsin is best served by sustaining UW-Madison as a top international university that attracts and retains the best and brightest minds for our state, including students, staff, faculty, and alumni. 
      Whereas UW-Madison has already absorbed more than an 11% drop in state general purpose revenue since 2010 (dollars that together with tuition support much of our educational mission), and 
      Whereas the educational mission of the university system, supporting the teaching and learning of our 180,000 students, is funded primarily by state general purpose revenue and tuition, and
      Whereas the proposed $300 million cut represents a further 13% reduction in the system’s state-financed operating budget, and 
      Whereas a major reduction in state support would diminish the quality, breadth, and access to education for Wisconsin residents, and  

      Whereas any operational flexibilities that might be granted through changes in the relationship of the UW System to the state will take time and resources and would allow very few efficiencies this biennium, and  
      Whereas implementing these budget cuts would pose significant challenges for our administrative leadership, our capacity to retain our best faculty, and our effectiveness in meeting the needs of students, 
      Be it therefore resolved that we, the UW-Madison Faculty Senate, express our strong opposition to the proposed 300 million dollar cut to the UW System budget and our deep concern that such a cut will unnecessarily impair our university and our state. 

      Chancellor Blank recognized Prof. Fair, who moved adoption of the above resolution. 
      Chancellor Blank called for discussion. There were several questions and comments.  
      Professor Myra Marx Ferree, District 71 (Sociology) moved to amend the University Committee motion to add the words “limit” and “reduce” to the following clause. The motion was seconded.
      Whereas implementing these budget cuts would pose significant challenges for our administrative leadership, limit our capacity to retain our best faculty, and reduce our effectiveness in meeting the needs of students,  
      Professor Jim Doing, District 65 (Music) moved to amend the amendment to replace “our best faculty” with “our world-class faculty” in the clause above. The motion was seconded. The motion to amend the amendment passed unanimously by voice vote. 
      The motion to amend passed unanimously by voice vote. 
      Assistant Professor Noah Feinstein, District 18 (Curriculum and Instruction) moved to amend the preamble of the University Committee motion as indicated below. The motion was seconded
      The UW-Madison faculty, together with colleagues throughout the UW System, is dedicated to serving the people of Wisconsin and the nation through teaching, research, and outreach. In keeping with the mission and ideals of public higher education, we reaffirm our continuing commitment to providing access to a high-quality education for all Wisconsin residents irrespective of financial means, to advancing the state of human knowledge, and to promoting economic growth and the competitiveness of Wisconsin's industries and businesses. We believe that Wisconsin is best served by sustaining UW-Madison as a top international university that attracts and retains the best and brightest minds for our state, including students, staff, faculty, and alumni. 

      The motion to amend passed unanimously by voice vote. 

      The motion as amended passed unanimously by voice vote as faculty document 2540

      Automatic Consent Business

      4. The minutes from December 1, 2014 were approved as distributed.


      5. Professor Doug Reindl (Engineering Professional Development) submitted for information purposes the Annual Report of the Recreational Sports Board. faculty document 2536
      There were no questions or comments.
      6. Professor Judith Burstyn (Chemistry) submitted for information purposes the annual report of the Committee on Committees, including nominations for faculty-elected committees. faculty document 2537Rev
      There were no comments, questions, or nominations from the floor. 


      7. Prof. Burstyn moved postponement of announcement of complete committee nominations for elected committees to the March Senate meeting. The motion was seconded.
      There were no comments or discussion. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 
      8. Prof. Fair moved to amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.48 as it relates to the membership of the Recreational Sports Board. faculty document 2538
      The motion passed by voice vote without objection or comment. 
      9. Prof. Fair moved to amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.27 as it relates to the membership and functions of the Campus Diversity and Climate Committee. faculty document 2539
      The motion passed by voice vote without objection or comment. 
      The meeting adjourned at 4:37 p.m.

      Respectfully submitted,
      Steven K. Smith
      Secretary of the Faculty

      "faculty legislation" "Faculty Policies and Procedures" Resolution 
      Doc ID:
      Owned by:
      Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
      UW Secretary of the Faculty