Faculty Senate Minutes 2015-05-04

shared governance document

4 May, 2015

Audio Recording
Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m. with 150 voting members present (111 needed for quorum).
1. Memorial Resolutions were offered for:
Professor Emeritus William A. Craig. faculty document 2557
Professor Emeritus Francis J. Nagle. faculty document 2558
Professor Emeritus Arthur E. Peterson. faculty document 2559
2. Announcements/Information Items.
Chancellor Blank reported on applications, which are up strongly, with 33,000 received
from 5700 high schools, from all 50 states and all Wisconsin counties. This represents an 8%
increase over last year and a new record. Applications from underrepresented students of
color are up 15% over last year, as are offers of admission to all students of color.
Chancellor Blank reported that this year’s faculty awards include two Sloane Fellowships,
two elections to the National Academy of Engineering, three Guggenheim Fellowships, and
one election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Chancellor Blank called attention to the recently completed economic impact study
(available at budget.wisc.edu), which shows that UW-Madison has a $15 billion annual
impact on the state of Wisconsin. For every dollar that the state gives us, we expend $24.
Chancellor Blank provided an update on the budget cut. Much is still unknown, including
the status of Chapter 36. Public authority seems unlikely at this point, but there is still hope
for some budget flexibilities. Status of tenure and shared governance still an open question.
UW System has appointed task forces on both issues, with strong representation from
Madison campus. Blank outlined efforts with multiple constituencies, including alumni and
business community. On-campus steps, including UW System-approved increase in
out-of-state and professional school tuition, across the board budget cuts, and redirection of
non-state dollars, only cover about half ($53 million) of the anticipated $100 million cut.
Chancellor Blank explained the advisory group appointed to look into library consolidation.
The report from this information-gathering exercise will go to the Library Committee and
shared governance groups and governing bodies. No unilateral action will be taken.
Professor Grant Petty (UC member and PROFS president) called attention to a legislative
update distributed by PROFS at the door and provided an update on PROFS activities. Petty
encouraged faculty to engage with PROFS through its website and social media.
3. Question Period.
There were no questions.
4. On behalf of Associate Vice Chancellor Bill Elvey, Gary Brown (Director of Campus Planning and Landscape Architecture) provided an update on the 2015 campus master plan. (Details available at masterplan.wisc.edu.)
There were several questions.
5. The minutes of the April 6, 2015, meeting were approved as distributed.
6. Chancellor Blank called attention to the Report of Elections to UW-Madison Faculty Committees. faculty document 2560
7. Professor Bill Tracy submitted for informational purposes the Campus Transportation Committee Annual Report for 2013-14. faculty document 2561
There was one question about a possible B-Cycle rack addition.
8. Professor Jo Ellen Fair submitted for informational purposes the University Committee Annual Report for 2012-13, 2013-14, and 2014-15 and outlined activities that will continue into the fall. faculty document 2562
There were several questions and comments about fossil fuel divestment.
9. Professor Rick Keller submitted for informational purposes a proposal to create the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS). faculty document 2563
There were no questions or comments.
10. Prof. Fair introduced for discussion purposes a draft of possible changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6. faculty document 2564
There were several questions and comments, all of which will be incorporated into the next draft of Chapter 6, to be presented to the Senate in Fall 2015.
Chancellor Blank thanked outgoing University Committee members Professor Jo Ellen Fair (chair) and Professor Grant Petty for their service on the committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven K. Smith
Secretary of the Faculty

faculty policies and procedures 
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Owned by:
Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty