WiscWeb - Shortcode list
This is a list of the known shortcodes that are available for the UW Theme.
- [uw-search-input]
- Allows you to place a search box in a text block of your site. It will utilize whichever search you have set in the Customizer of your project (native WordPress search or Google Custom Search).
- Please note that if you do not have any search set in the Customizer, this will not work.
- [uwmadison_social]
- This will place a list of your social media links in a text block. It will pull from the ones you have listed in the footer of your site via the Customizer.
- This is not customizable. It will show all of the icons you have listed in the footer.
- Please note that there will be a little padding to the left of your icon set. This cannot be removed.
- [uwmadison_contact]
- Similar to the social shortcode, this will place the contact information that you have listed in the footer into a text block. This is drawn from the info you have added to the Customizer.
- This will pull all contact information from the Customizer including campus address, map links, contact email, and contact phone number.
- Please note that this will be slightly indented from the left.
- [uw-rss-feed]
- Pull news content into your site from any RSS feed URL.
- The only required parameter is the URL: [uw-rss-feed url="addurlhere"]
- Other parameter options include listing a title, a description, setting maximum number of posts, and adding a "more" link URL.
- Usage: [uw-rss-feed url="http://rss.example.com/feed.xml" title="Example Title" description="Example description." more-link="http://example.com" max-posts="10"]
- [back-to-top]
- This shortcode will allow you to add a link in a text area that jumps a user up to #main. It will bring the screen up to the top of the content area.
- This shortcode will allow you to add a link in a text area that jumps a user up to #main. It will bring the screen up to the top of the content area.
- [uw-publications]
- This shortcode can be used to place a publications list on your page (please note that additional steps are required: WiscWeb - Displaying publications on a faculty/staff page