L&S Honorary Fellow (Zero-Dollar) Appointments

This document contains instructions on how to create and request zero-dollar Honorary Fellow appointments and extensions.

In general, the Honorary Fellow title should be used for zero-dollar appointments unless you can easily identify another title that seems more appropriate.

  1. Submit a request to your departmental HR Coordinator for review.  The request must include:
    • Resume or CV
    • Draft letter which describes who the person will be collaborating with and a brief description of the duties along with the beginning and end date of the appointment (approval given up to one year in length)

  2. Once you receive approval from your HR Coordinator you can enter the appointment into JEMS Hire. (Centralized departments will receive approval after HR Coordinator has entered the appointment into HRS).  A copy of the approved letter will be sent to the department/unit for signature.

  3. Send a final copy of the signed letter to your departmental HR Coordinator

Renewal/Extension of Honorary Fellow (Zero-Dollar) Appointment

Honorary Fellow appointments can be renewed/extended on an annual basis.

  1. Submit a request to your departmental HR Coordinator for review.  The request must include:
    • Draft letter which describes who the person will be collaborating with and a brief description of the duties, along with the dates of the appointment extension (approval given for up to one year in length).

  2. Once you receive approval from your HR Coordinator, you can enter the expected job end date change into JEMS Job Changes. (Centralized departments will receive approval after HR Business Partner has entered the extension into HRS).  A copy of the approved letter will be sent to the department/unit for signature.

  3. Send a final copy of the signed letter to your departmental HR Coordinator 

For questions on this process please contact your HR Coordinator.

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Jana K. in L&S KB