Faculty Senate Minutes 2024-05-06

Minutes approved November 4, 2024

Minutes for May 6, 2024

Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m. with 154 voting members present (104 needed for quorum). Memorial resolutions were offered for Professor Emeritus Robert Thaddeus Aubey (Faculty Document 3164), Professor Emeritus Ernest I. Hanson (Faculty Document 3165), Professor Emeritus Kenneth Waterman Ragland (Faculty Document 3166), and Professor Emeritus Joachim von Elbe (Faculty Document 3167).

Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin shared remarks on the Library Mall encampment, related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Her statement in its entirety is available online at: https://news.wisc.edu/chancellor-mnookins-faculty-senate-remarks-on-library-mall-encampment/.  

The chancellor’s remarks acknowledged the difficult moment everyone is facing in regards to the Hamas attack on Israel and the ensuing conflict between Israel and Hamas affecting Gaza. She indicated that there would be time in the Faculty Senate meeting for her to listen to comments and remarks from the faculty. 

In speaking to the safety concerns tied to the encampment, Chancellor Mnookin shared she has been growing increasingly concerned about reports of antisemitic comments, Islamophobia, and other incendiary rhetoric as well as the potential for violence. She has heard from Jewish, Muslim, Arab and Palestinian students who do not feel safe on campus. It was these risks, as well as the direct violation of Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System Administrative Code, Chapter 18, that led the chancellor to authorize law enforcement to take down tents that protestors would not voluntarily remove from Library Mall, following consultation with her leadership team, the University of Wisconsin Police Department, and the chair of the University Committee.  

Chancellor Mnookin explained that she is unable to make a singular exception to UW System Administration Code prohibiting camping on university land. If she were to allow an exception for the current encampment, she would have to allow others who want to camp in a similar manner. 

The administration received a list of demands from the organizers of the encampment, some of which are centered around divestment and cutting academic ties with Israel. UW–Madison cannot and does not govern the investment decisions made by the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association, which has to be an entity separate from the university under Board of Regents’ policy. In addition, any boycotts of Israel such as ending the George L. Mosse Graduate Exchange Fellows, would run counter to academic freedom in addition to violating state law. In her remarks, the chancellor committed to continuing conversations with those organizing the encampment to see whether there was an agreement that could be reached.   

In closing, Chancellor Mnookin reiterated she has not and is not interested in shutting down the opportunity for meaningful protests. However, the university is allowed to place limitations on where, when and how protests happen so the campus is accessible to everyone and operations are not impeded. 

Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin transferred the role of presiding officer to Professor Susan Thibeault, University Committee chair, for the remainder of the meeting.

Professor Susan Thibeault, University Committee chair, presented the spring 2024 faculty committees general election results (Faculty Document 3172). 

In addition, Professor Thibeault shared that on May 3, 2024, the University Committee released a statement on the Library Mall encampment and protests, available online at: https://secfac.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2024/05/UC_StatementOnProtest_5-3-2024.pdf

Professor Susan Thibeault, University Committee chair, moved to suspend the rules to allow for the immediate consideration of agenda item #9, the report on renaming the Department of Soil Science to the Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences. The motion was seconded and approved by unanimous consent.

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Paul Mitchell presented the name change of the Department of Soil Science to the Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences (Faculty Document 3171). There were no questions on this item.

Professor Susan Thibeault, University Committee chair, moved to suspend the rules to allow for the immediate consideration of agenda item #4, the question period. The motion was seconded and approved by unanimous consent.

During the question period, faculty senators and faculty members shared their perspectives on the Library Mall encampment and the administration’s response. A request to allow staff and student representatives to speak was passed by automatic consent. Staff and students shared their perspectives as well.

Speakers expressed concern about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the loss of life on all sides. Some conveyed concern and condemnation for the administration-directed police action and physical engagement with those at the encampment on May 1, 2024. Concerns were shared about the apparent disproportionate arrests by police of students and faculty of color, and the treatment of employees and students. Some speaking asked for disciplinary and legal consequences for students, faculty and staff arrested on May 1 to not be pursued and an apology be issued by the administration, as well as greater clarity and transparency on the decision-making process that led to the decision to ask for police to clear the encampment. Several invited those present to visit the encampment and shared that it was peaceful, built by a coalition of people from a number of religions, races, and national origins.  

Other speakers spoke to the importance of dialogue around difficult issues, the need to cultivate the campus community, the importance of academic freedom in regards to some of the protesters’ demands, as well as the framework upon which scholarship and activism rest and the need to maintain decorum and law to protect UW–Madison’s dedication to the idea of “sifting and winnowing” as the means by which to seek truth. Speakers also expressed deep concerns for students especially Jewish or Muslim students who may feel unsafe or isolated.   

All remaining business items were delayed until the October Faculty Senate meeting, due to time constraints.

Professor Susan Thibeault, University Committee chair, adjourned the meeting at 4:56 p.m. 

Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Faculty

Faculty Senate 
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