Azure - Tracking Costs Associated with an Azure Subscription

Azure - Tracking Costs Associated with an Azure Subscription

Customers can track their Azure usage and view their estimated bill using the Microsoft Azure Portal by searching for Cost Management + Billing.
UW-Madison (Enterprise Agreement) Azure subscriptions have a yearly budget assigned to them upon provisioning. Once a budget is assigned, an email will be sent to account owners when charges associated with the account reach 50%, 75%, 90%, and 100% of the annual budget .  Budget notifications are not generated in real-time, can be up to 3 days behind actual usage, are only an estimate, and only exist for notification purposes. 
Subscription owners can also set up budgets and threshold alerts for different periods (monthly/quarterly/etc.) as well as determine where to send the alerts.  
Please note that budgets will not prevent usage or spending beyond the specified budget.
Customers can use the Azure Advisor to identify opportunities to reduce overall Azure spend. Additional details can be found in the Introduction to Azure Advisor.
Please note that the usage and bill details at are only an estimate.
To change UW Billing information (or annual budget) for your account, Contact the Public Cloud Team with the account id and the new information.

If you have any questions, feedback or ideas please Contact Us

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Steve T. in Public Cloud
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