WiscIT - Exporting and Printing a WiscIT Ticket

This document describes the processes of exporting a WiscIT ticket as a PDF and printing a WiscIT ticket.

Exporting a Ticket

  1. From the incident screen, click the File menu, then click Print.

    File - Print

  2. Select Adobe PDF as the printer, then select memo style or basic print. Memo style includes the journal notes, and basic print does not. Click OK.

    Choose printer

  3. Select a location to save your file, then click Save.

Printing a Ticket

  1. From the incident screen, click the File menu, then click Print.

    File - Print

  2. Select the desired printer, then select memo style or basic print. Memo style includes the journal notes, and basic print does not. Click OK.

    Choose printer

cherwell export print case call incident printer pdf 
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DoIT Help Desk, WiscIT - Wisconsin IT Service Manager