WiscIT - Help Desk Common One-Steps

This document covers the the most common one-steps in Cherwell.

Table of Contents

Note:  If the one-step toolbar is not visible when Cherwell opens, right click in the one-step area and click "Email" to enable it. For information on how to add new one-steps to your toolbar, see WiscIT - Adding a One-Step to a Toolbar

Assign to East

The most common one-step a help desk agent will use is Assign to EAST. You should always use this one-step when sending a case to EAST. To use the Assign to EAST one-step:

  1. Click "Assign to EAST".
  2. example of assign to east button

  3. Select reason case is being assigned to EAST and click OK.
  4. example of East sending menu

HD Formatted Email

Another common one-step used by agents to send formatted emails directly from Cherwell is the HD Formatted Email. To use this one-step:

  1. Click "HD Formatted Email"
  2. .

    example of hd formatted email one-step

  3. Fill out the "To..." field and write your email. Then click send.
  4. example of an HD Foramtted Email

Reassign Journals

Reassign Journals helps you "merge" cases by copying journal notes from one incident to another, and then it closes the redundant ticket. It will also open up the merged ticket for you so you can continue to work on it. Just like the SPAM ticket, this action is not reversible, so make sure you double-check the ticket number. To use this one-step:

  1. Verify you have the correct destination incident number.
  2. View the ticket you want to close.
  3. Click the "Reassign Journals" one-step
  4. example of reassign journals button

  5. Enter in the destination Incident number and click "OK".
  6. example of reassigning a journal

For more information on this one step, see WiscIT - Closing Duplicate Incidents / Reassigning Journals

Remove Data Request

Remove Data Request is used if there is any sensitive information present in a Cherwell case, such as birth date or Campus ID number. This sends an alert to a Cherwell administrator who is then able to manually purge any sensitive information from the case. To use this one-step, select "Remove Data Request" and it will automatically send out the request and leave a journal note indicating that the request was made.

example of remove data button

An example of using the Remove Data Request is shown below:

example of a remove data request

For more information on this one step, see [Link for document 88861 is unavailable at this time]

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Keywordsescalate email contact spam SPAM chat cherwell data confidential sensitive reassign merge onestep onesteps new modify edit create access editor journals   Doc ID64630
OwnerWill C.GroupWiscIT
Created2016-06-30 21:59:01Updated2024-01-22 17:36:58
SitesDoIT Help Desk, WiscIT - Wisconsin IT Service Manager
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