WiscIT - Building Searches
Search Clauses
In order to build a search, you will need to narrow down the object by using search clauses. There are several types of clauses, each of which performs a specific function.
If you don't yet have the Search Builder window open, follow the steps here first: WiscIT - Creating a New Search

To add new clauses:
- Create a new search. See WiscIT - Creating a New Search for instructions.
- Click the downward arrow next to the New button (the default clause is a comparison clause).
A comparison clause compares a field to a given value. In order to configure a comparison clause, the left and right hand fields will need to be configured following steps on WiscIT - Selecting Fields from Dropdown Menus.
An example of a comparison clause is "Incident.Created Date Time is greater or equal to 11/1/2018"). This will return any incidents created on or after this date.

Group clauses nest other clause types together to create "and" & "or" functionality to them. There are two options for a group clause:
- All of the items in the group must be true ("and")
- At least one of the items in the group must be true ("or")
For example, a group clause could be used in conjunction with several comparison clauses to return incidents of a number of categories (or other field values).
Note: All searches begin with a group clause set to "All of the items in the group must be true"

Ownership clauses search against the owning person or team of an incident.

Related clauses search objects related to the primary object of a search. For example, in a search against problems a related clause could be used to find all problems that link at least one outage.

WiscIT does not use Cherwell's queue feature therefore queue clauses should not be used.